Third Party Press

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  1. Aaron

    Matching BCD 4 Long Side Rail 83600

    I notice the mount matches but not the scope. Are scopes like bayonets where the serial number won't match the mount/rifle?
  2. Aaron

    New member from SE Wisconsin checking in.

    Howdy! Reporting from Richfield Wisconsin by Holy Hill!
  3. Aaron

    BNZ 45 T Block 4361

    I like the barrel step! Instead of a smooth taper like on mine (3569T) yours just has an abrupt step. Never noticed that before. Its crazy how much rougher the finish on your rifle is compared to mine as well, only a few hundred apart.
  4. Aaron

    WW2 German Canteen Reference Thread

    First time seeing that digit on the side of instead of inside the cup, but is a nice original by an unknown maker with Sawdust material.
  5. Aaron

    WW2 German Canteen Reference Thread

    Via direct message, Can I get a closeup of the MPD code on the top and a picture of the inside of the canteen cup? It is not uncommon for these to be too short, you see it alot on early coconuts, or on canteens that the original aluminum/steel cups were swapped to the taller bakelite cup.
  6. Aaron

    WW2 German Map Case (Mapcase) Reference Thread

    This is a common late commercial grade leather, seen on ammo pouches and other equipment items.
  7. Aaron

    Where have all the OC gone? (Original Contributors)

    Two main things I think. 1. There is a finite number of K98's and with their popularity and price at an all time high, new acquisitions for most of us are few and far between. 2. No one besides the average joe will admit it but the middle class is suffering terribly and we are in dire financial...
  8. Aaron

    WW2 German Canteen Reference Thread

    Good condition maker marked GNL primed steel bottle, good condition primed and painted GNL steel cup dated 1943, good condition supple black one piece leather strap, fair condition cover has large tear and ripped top button and all are rusted but function. GNL is an interesting maker with...
  9. Aaron

    WW2 German Canteen Reference Thread

    Made by Carl Feldhaus Aluminium-und Metallwerke, Lüdenscheid (CFL) in 1944, primed dated and maker marked steel bottle excellent condition, primed and painted maker marked steel cup in excellent condition, gabardine cover in excellent condition, black pebbled late reversed hook strap in...
  10. Aaron

    Named Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler SS Tornister

    Very interesting tornister, first I have seen of this model with 6 loops on the front instead of the normal 4, but it appears all to be one piece of letaher.
  11. Aaron

    WW2 German Mess Kit (Messkit) Reference Thread

    Made by F.W. Brockelmann Aluminiumwerk GmbH KG, Neheim/Ruhr (commonly known for their maker mark FWBN), marked ccj (I don't like to toss around the word rare too often but this is a fairly rare code) and dated 1941, made of aluminum, note crude hand stamp marker marks opposed to the more common...
  12. Aaron

    Rough Forged revision reprint

    True. For myself, space is at a premium and I'd rather collect the contents of the books, if I start collecting collector books instead of using them as a guide for collector items the books are about, it just seems asinine to me haha.
  13. Aaron

    Rough Forged revision reprint

    This is probably what I plan on doing, I didn't even so much as open my current copy so I'd rather just have the newest version.
  14. Aaron

    Pic Sticky "Debate"

    Agreed. The template concept is nice but I understand it would only work if people followed it, which I doubt most newbies or non tech-savvy people would do.
  15. Aaron

    Pic Sticky "Debate"

    I'm not saying let anyone sticky rifles though, it would still be on a mod basis. With the search function shown by ugafx4 my biggest gripe is now irrelevant and I am content with things as they sit.
  16. Aaron

    MP.40 period pics

  17. Aaron

    Pic Sticky "Debate"

    The issue is they do not, there are many gaps in letter blocks in the book that cannot account for small changes. for example several of the rifle study tables have missing or incorrectly listed information.
  18. Aaron

    Pic Sticky "Debate"

    When I say matching I should have been more precise, but I was implying only original condition, matching rifles. Matching rifles with messed with stocks for example, would not make the cut.
  19. Aaron

    Pic Sticky "Debate"

    This is a great help, the vast majority of my problems stem the search limits, this will achieve the functionality I was shooting for with an "updated" reference.
  20. Aaron

    Pic Sticky "Debate"

    My main problem has been restorations, for example I need to know what barrel band number location works for a bnz4 e block. There is a b block with the SN location on the middle, and then I can find an e block eith them on the top. I can find no rifles inbetween that here, which would be wicked...

Military Rifle Journal