Third Party Press

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  1. kentomon

    Zf41 Booklet - "Merkblatt uber den Karabiner 98k - Zf.41" - 1941

    Your manual is a brilliant example of the originals! May I use the photos of your manual on my next video? I am planning to explain the difference between the original and the fake. I only have the original pictures of the ZF41 from the Merkbaltt 25/4...
  2. kentomon

    ZF41 Study

    I guess not enough for every. I can only presume at least some were from the photos.
  3. kentomon

    ZF41 Study

    I have made another video. Take a look if you like!
  4. kentomon

    ZF41 Study

    Very nice scopes! Thank you for the info.
  5. kentomon

    ZF41 Study

    If you have not seen it yet, please take a look!
  6. kentomon

    ZF41 Study

    Thank you so much!!
  7. kentomon

    ZF41 Tan Can and Wooden Brush

    Brian The purpose of the brush is only for cleaning dusts on lens surface. ("Der Staubpinsel dient nur zum entfernen von etwa vorhandenem Staub auf den Linsen des Zielfernrohres.") If you have a plastic brush, compare the hair with the wooden one. The plastic brush hair is soft enough to clean...
  8. kentomon

    ZF40 scope info

    Thank you!
  9. kentomon

    ZF40 scope info

    Hi there, I have been working on ZF41 scope info for nearly 2 decades and my recent activity is making short videos on that subject. Now I have made one on ZF40 scopes. So please take a look if you are interested.
  10. kentomon

    ZF41 Study

    Thank you trinxet as always! Now this time, I have shown the transition of the German lubricant markings on military optics. I have been saying for more than a decade that the marking will be a clue to presume the date of its manufacture. I would welcome any opinions on these.
  11. kentomon

    ZF41 Study

    Describing the 5 designations on the scopes. If you like it, please don't forget your likes and subscribe!
  12. kentomon

    ZF41 Study

    It seems quite a lot of people are interested, but I will keep going on! This time, I have shown the difference of the 3 types.
  13. kentomon

    ZF41 Study

    Thank you again trinxet! I'm really glad you liked it.
  14. kentomon

    ZF41 Study

    Thank you trinxet and Matt! I have made a next one. Take a look at the earliest ZF41 type scope called "ZF1.5x1.3".
  15. kentomon

    ZF41 Study

    I have made a short video on ZF41. I hope you like it. I am thinking to make some more.
  16. kentomon


    Thank you very much for your kind words! I would love to if I may. Other than the two pictured in the Senich's book, I know only one example, which is shown in my website, the property of Mr.DWD. I recall it was around 2003 when he shared the photo of his new treasure in some other forum. Later...
  17. kentomon


    Great find and very nice scope!! From the serial number 143158, your scope is the very scope pictured in Mr.Senich's venerable book "The German Sniper 1914-1945". Another example shown in the book is number 143161. Perhaps the serial range 1431XX was for the ZF43(B) between the serial series of...
  18. kentomon

    ZF41 Sight Base Marking?

    This is what Emilbusch is referring.
  19. kentomon

    ZF41 Sight Base Marking?

    I thought he was talking about the ”M” on the mount, not the scope. Which are you mentioning frankie? Perhaps photos will help better.

Military Rifle Journal