Gunboreds K98k dou. 42

I believe he also posted here as well.

Too your point the amount of bad information being thrown out in threads can harm the hobby overall.

I believe he also posted here as well.

Too your point the amount of bad information being thrown out in threads can harm the hobby overall.

It’s not an easy to find code / date combo, scarce, perhaps almost rare today. However, the fonts can be “extrapolated” from early dou. 43 production, which are not rare. I guess it had already been bought and hopefully this new collector is not turned off by this and will post and ask for opinions and our help, which is generously given in my experience. However, this can’t stand as a blessed and vetted example for the sake of others who may compare it.

Is the buyer and hobby helped or harmed by such advise? I feel bad for the innocent purchaser who, had he been here and asking us would have avoided this. Meanwhile, the misinformation piles on. It will take this thread here to prompt truth there.

I'm not searching it, but wasn't this user just here earlier this year asking about another gun which turned out to be bad? Maybe I'm slipping, but I swear he asked about a different one which wasn't what it was represented to be
I'm not searching it, but wasn't this user just here earlier this year asking about another gun which turned out to be bad? Maybe I'm slipping, but I swear he asked about a different one which wasn't what it was represented to be

He posted this rifle here. It’s not an easy example for comparative purposes and many have not had one in hand. But there are examples in The Books.

It’s not fun or happy to call this out, particularly as the buyer is a new collector that I think we have a duty to watch out for. However, to not call it is worse as that would not encourage learning and research and leave a fake bolt as a reference.
Is one of their 'insiders' selling it? Just wondering. What's the term? Toadie vetted?

Btw, that's REALLY healthy for the hobby. :rolleyes:

They want happy clicks and posts. This kind of exposure is not good for that.

Someone should post a link to this thread there.
Easy call - humped bolt.

And so there you have it. One of The Book authors, several members, and comparative pics. This discussion continues. I tried to explain this concept at Axis Pistols: sole source authentication (“it is bad because I say so”) vs. collaborative vetting with citation to documents, pics, originals.
They want happy clicks and posts. This kind of exposure is not good for that.

Someone should post a link to this thread there.
I think in a healthy ecosystem, honest debate and merit based queries are a welcome and healthy thing. I'm not a fan of uninformed sniping or item bashing as that's quite a different thing. That kind of heavy-handed censoring only serves the crooks and cronies IMHO.
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I think in a healthy ecosystem, honest debate and merit based queries are a welcome and healthy thing. I'm not a fan of uniformed sniping or item bashing as that's quite a different thing. That kind of heavy-handed censoring only serves the crooks and cronies IMHO.

(y) “Sole source authentication” with censorship and forum attack monkey trinket whores supporting the exspurt is how we got the “Champagne Rune” SS helmet hoax and almost XRF raygun COA lid “authentication.” It’s a bad thing, except for fake sellers and clickbait.
I’m heading to GB right now… let’s see how long it takes b4 they take my post down.

If they do then it will confirm that forum is officially just another raging theater of operations in the internets intellectual Armageddon. They’ve already censored, banned, and run off almost every truly knowledgeable member. I founded that forum at Tuco’s (RIP) request, so I reckon I’m qualified to render that opinion. The moderator problem there are the same squirrels whom I knew would ban me at the first opportunity, which arose when Tuco passed. Had I not stopped there for my quarterly view this AM that fake rifle bolt may have never been outed.