New member checking in from NC

Hello, all, and thank you for the wonderful site!

A bit about me, I have recently gotten back into firearms after growing up with them in my childhood. I really regret the days that I passed over "garbage rods", "Chinese popguns" and "crate and barrel" specials, as my father used to call them. I guess that is what happens when you grow up with Model 94 Winchesters, Remington 1100's, Browning A5's, and other "true" rifles of steel and wood. Anyway, I am sure that I am not the first to say that.

My collection includes Mosins, SKSs, AKs, and RPK, a Carcano that it turns out is chambered in 8mm Mauser, and even an oddball Iver Johnson M1 carbine in .22. I recently acquired a RC K98 from my LGS and am desiring to learn a lot more about the Mauser platform. Interestingly enough, in searching for information on my "new to me" K98 online, I ran into a listing for it before I ever bought it from my LGS. That was a first! It sure makes describing my Mauser easy to do. If you wish to see the Mauser I am starting my journey with, you can find it at

So here I am, ready to peruse, read and learn more about these historic rifles and to give thanks that while hands full of fear, sweat and rage once gripped these old rifles; they now, in my stewardship, are held by hands that can hold them in admiration, awe and the blessings of peace and freedom. At least until I pass them and their lessons on to the next generation. Thank you and see you around!
Hello, all, and thank you for the wonderful site!

A bit about me, I have recently gotten back into firearms after growing up with them in my childhood. I really regret the days that I passed over "garbage rods", "Chinese popguns" and "crate and barrel" specials, as my father used to call them. I guess that is what happens when you grow up with Model 94 Winchesters, Remington 1100's, Browning A5's, and other "true" rifles of steel and wood. Anyway, I am sure that I am not the first to say that.

My collection includes Mosins, SKSs, AKs, and RPK, a Carcano that it turns out is chambered in 8mm Mauser, and even an oddball Iver Johnson M1 carbine in .22. I recently acquired a RC K98 from my LGS and am desiring to learn a lot more about the Mauser platform. Interestingly enough, in searching for information on my "new to me" K98 online, I ran into a listing for it before I ever bought it from my LGS. That was a first! It sure makes describing my Mauser easy to do. If you wish to see the Mauser I am starting my journey with, you can find it at

So here I am, ready to peruse, read and learn more about these historic rifles and to give thanks that while hands full of fear, sweat and rage once gripped these old rifles; they now, in my stewardship, are held by hands that can hold them in admiration, awe and the blessings of peace and freedom. At least until I pass them and their lessons on to the next generation. Thank you and see you around!
Hello from Concord, N.C. first Join North Carolina Gun Collectors Association for membership Email, there is also the Raleigh militaria collectors show dates: for 2025 May 31 June1, Salisbury NC gun show at the west end plaza March 29, 30, 2025. and the six shooter Gun show Salisbury fair grounds March 15&16.. Hickory, N.C. Saturday, Sunday March 22, 23 There are also excellent shows in SC. South Carolina Arms Collectors Association Big Shows in Columbia and Greenville they have a excellent site on the net.. I hope this helps some BILL in Concord, N.C.
Hello from Ga!
Post some pictures of your 8mm Carcano in the proper sub forum. It might be an interesting variation.

They have some laws for the unsuspecting in NC! We purchased acreage in Murphy several years back and I was shooting a cool little .22 slide action Winchester I picked up at a flea market in a field around the corner. Others were shooting there and had driven away when a deputy snuck up behind me, gun drawn and gave me a citation for shooting a poachers weapon and another citation for injuring a tree.
I had hearing protection on and was firing at a regulation NRA target. What’s up with that? I’ve never been back.
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Thank you for the welcome from GA!

I will be happy to post photos of the Carcano. It was an interesting transaction to say the least when I got it. I bought the Carcano through Bass Pro online and it was advertised as a 6.5. Of course, when it arrived, I was confused by the 7.9 stamped on the barrel. I know they did a small run of 7.35 but the 7.9 was odd. In doing some research, it turns out that Carcano's were in fact made in 8mm Mauser (much more availabile there than the 6.5 Carcano evidently) and exported to Arab countries like Egypt where they were used as trainers. In fact, many had the firing pin snipped off in order to prevent "friendly fire" during training! Anyway, mine has all the hallmarks of an Arab training rifle: the white paint in the dents in the stock where the training bands used to be (the stock had been cleaned of the white paint on the even surfaces), the 7.9 stamping, and yes, the end of the firing pin is gone (it is a multipiece pin and most of it is there save the end with the actual pin that extends beyond the bolt face). At least I only need to find the actual pin element itself and not the entire assembly. To top it off, they apparently made a limited batch of clips to use in these specific rifles and they must've sunk on the boat because while the rifles exist, OEM clips are unobtanium. There are, thankfully, videos online of how to create your own from standard 6.5 clips but I may just go the route of the wooden block that turns the rifle into a drop in, single shot gun.

Not sure that qualifies for that forum, but will be happy to upload anyway and get some thoughts.

As for the "Murphy Incident", it starts with the fact that Murphy is about 1600 people. Growing up in a small town, it sounds like you were the victim of doing what the locals do and then being the only one around when Barney showed up. They love to nail out of towners because your odds of simply paying the ticket without contesting it are pretty high, especially for some charge like discharging a weapon or hitting a tree.

Welcome to BFE, NC!