I see what your saying. The repro mount being a bit too low had come to mind. I have both rings pushed as far out of the way as possible, but the rear one clears the bolt while the other one doesn’t. Would it be a bad idea to shave down the inner cylinder piece (the thing the bolt screws into) slightly to grant more clearance? Would it be a better idea to just buy different rings and put them on there?I had same problem but had to rotate front the ring to get clearance, still close but not hitting. Think the real issue is reproduction mount is just too low. You can see in the pictures how the angle position of the front ring is when compared to rear ring
That is what known as a "barrel" nut. Not sure if that would work. You would still have to make the band strap which is spring steel to conform to the re shaped barrel nut. Worth a try or you might look for another ring set before trying that,I see what your saying. The repro mount being a bit too low had come to mind. I have both rings pushed as far out of the way as possible, but the rear one clears the bolt while the other one doesn’t. Would it be a bad idea to shave down the inner cylinder piece (the thing the bolt screws into) slightly to grant more clearance? Would it be a better idea to just buy different rings and put them on there?
Sorry, I wasn’t sure what the best angle to post was. I’ll add another picture as soon as I get back home.Please post a picture from the rear towards the touching area. I'm not sure if the scope band is properly installed, impossible to tell from your picture.
I hadn’t thought of that, but that makes a lot of sense. I’ll double check the base.Concur that base is not properly installed. Screw in too deep and thus making the base too close, which in turns bring scope mount ring in line with travel of bolt?
The mount and scope are both repros. I don’t know if the mount was drilled/tapped and am unsure as to how I would tell.Or it could be the screw hole was too far back on the receiver. Was it drilled/tapped at the factory? How about the mount? Factory or repro? I can see where a repro mount can be off just a tad.
The steel receiver and scope mount shouldn't compress so I think my first speculation is wrong.