For some reason in the off topic section, the 1st and 2nd amendment defense doesn’t show up for me. I can go through my reaction history and search history and find it, but it is not something that I can click on and view new posts.
This is a forum about 98k’s. Get your political fix elsewhere - if you plan on leaving because I’ve removed it from our main list, sorry to hear that.It still is the political forum but becauce of some users you don't like we all have to put up with a link? What link? You say that you are losing members. Nobody makes anyone go one that sight. What's next? I for one liked coming to this sight for info on K98's and the 2nd forum but there are other forums out there.
Well saidThis is a forum about 98k’s. Get your political fix elsewhere - if you plan on leaving because I’ve removed it from our main list, sorry to hear that.
Respectfully disagree. That section of the site is full of politically charged rhetoric that has nothing to do with the furtherance of K98k collecting. As Mike said, it's just creating problems. Even the moderators are at each other, which is totally unproductive for this site and for the hobby writ large.FWIW the 2nd amendment sub forum has a lot to contribute to the hobby and to the forum community in my opinion, ad hominem attacks are where the discipline should be applied. Attacking someone personally has never been cool. Everyone has a right to their opinion.
The feeling is mutual. I've also really enjoyed reading your posts and threads across multiple forums over the years. That said, it's okay to disagree once in a while. I hear what you're saying, and could possibly be swayed to think along those lines if perhaps the section we're talking about was geared solely towards discussing the preservation of 2nd Amendment rights, which do have an impact on Americans' capacity to collect certain firearms, but the political stuff (more broadly speaking) is just too slippery a slope. As I mentioned in my previous post, some of the stuff posted over the years has been pretty ugly, and it has the capacity to bring a lot of heat down on the forum. Certain folks have made posts suggesting that people like Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi should be killed. That's not cool, and frankly it does create a scenario where law enforcement agencies might start looking into this forum, which just creates problems for the forum's ownership team (and for the entire community). The forum ownership has tried to melt and re-pour the section to avoid being accused of censorship or infringing upon people's ability to exercise 1st Amendment rights but folks just keep posting inappropriate stuff. A lot of people seem to get hung-up on if they can say something, but don't seem to give much thought towards if they SHOULD say something.SoH,
I generally enjoy your posts and often find common ground with your views, but I have to disagree with you on this. Gun people, collectors etc are people period that often have other things they are passionate about. Politics and shitposting on politics IMO frequently goes hand in hand with gun related topics. This is evident by the number of posts there compared to the other sub forums. I have been in a lull collecting wise but still like to see what others are getting. There are times where very little is posted in the WW II k98 section, sometimes for days, so I frequent the off topic section almost daily and enjoy posting memes there.
I feel the solution is to leave this section alone, unmoderated and let people who choose to be there go at it. No one is making anyone visit that sub forum or requiring them to post in it. If you get offended, insulted or annoyed there, just don’t go there. It like going to a BBQ restaurant and getting upset that they serve meat and don’t offer vegan options.