Radom VIS K-block/1945


Active member
Finally, I got lucky and managed to get one of the last wartime Radom Vis pistols produced (mid K-block). It’s a bit worn and ugly as hell, but still a decent piece of history. Here’s a picture, straight from the joy I’m feeling right now!


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Nice pickup, unfortunately it wasn’t stored very well over the years. These are probably my favorite WW2 German pistols.Does it have a late war 623 proofed magazine?

I started with 1 phosphate Radom and now I have 3 of them (2 B block and 1 K block)
Nice! It's so worn and ugly it's beautiful 🤣👏👍 nice grab. Imma eventually get one of these. Got any good reference books to recommend?
Yup ;) When it comes to the books, there is a couple:

  • VIS Radom - A Study and Photographic Album of Poland's Finest Pistol - Revised 2021 Color Edition: William J. York
  • The Radom Vis Pistol : Berger, Robert J
  • plus a plenty sadly in Polish
  • there is also one really good book by Czech author Jan Balcar - Pistole VIS, vzor 35
Nice pickup, unfortunately it wasn’t stored very well over the years. These are probably my favorite WW2 German pistols.Does it have a late war 623 proofed magazine?

I started with 1 phosphate Radom and now I have 3 of them (2 B block and 1 K block)
The condition in the picture is the state after purchase. The pistol is very dried out, it probably sat somewhere for many years before it hit the market. The magazine seems ordinary for late war; I didn't pay much attention to it, but I didn’t notice any proof marks. Attaching a pic below:


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This just sold recently on Legacy. Interesting that some A/B block pistols were assembled from parts in 1945 after the move to Steyr area. What a confusing time and York does a great job trying to connect the dots of production during this period.
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Cool K block, I looked a long time for one, they are very interesting pistols.

I saw that second B phosphate on legacy, whoever bought that got a good deal.
Cool K block, I looked a long time for one, they are very interesting pistols.

I saw that second B phosphate on legacy, whoever bought that got a good deal.

The magazines are probably worth $500 each so the person got a good deal. I can’t believe they had it priced that low considering what it came with.
Some additional photos from the Legacy ad. Interesing casting flaw on the front grip strap.

@bolas can you post up some more pictures of the K-block? It would be nice to see the inside of it.

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The condition in the picture is the state after purchase. The pistol is very dried out, it probably sat somewhere for many years before it hit the market. The magazine seems ordinary for late war; I didn't pay much attention to it, but I didn’t notice any proof marks. Attaching a pic below:
That mag is worth $450!
(....)can you post up some more pictures of the K-block? It would be nice to see the inside of it.
Sure thing! Sorry for the slight delay—I had a busy week! 😃 I still haven't had enough time to decide what to do about the cleaning/restoration. Any ideas or reccommendations? What would you do if you were me with that Vis?


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Phosphate finish kind of is what it is unfortunately. Maybe a Kroil soaking but that tends to darken the phosphate. I’m not certain you can do much but I personally think it’s a nice looking K Block.
I don’t think there is much you can do to make it be better unfortunately, I would oil it up and keep it out of the holster. I feel the finish on all models of Radoms was not very good and a lot of the 2 lever guns have finish issues. I have 3 phosphate pistols and all have some sort of minor finish issues even with light use.


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Phosphate finish kind of is what it is unfortunately. Maybe a Kroil soaking but that tends to darken the phosphate. I’m not certain you can do much but I personally think it’s a nice looking K Block.
I really like the worn-out look a lot. I was just thinking of removing a bit of rust and oiling it up—wasn't really planning on doing much more. But I'm happy to hear your thoughts! That's my first phosphate finished one, no experience with what to do and what not to do :) What are the best option for treating phosphate?
I'm not sure there's a lot you can do to 'treat' phosphate. I've owned several phosphate rifles and pistols over the last 30 years, and it's kind of a weird finish. I've never personally had a finish change on me due to keeping it clean with ballistol or CLP. But clearly, the finishes can change or be altered over the years based on something. Because the finishes were not always applied evenly and the solutions were seemingly improperly mixed on occasion, you can get a pretty odd combination on appearances sometimes. Some guns look quite good, and others defy description because of the darkened and often very light areas on the same gun. It can be difficult to envision what some guns looked like when they came out of the factory. An SVW'45 as an example.

BTW: I really like your K-block. Just like it is.

My friend has a K block about 1000 earlier than yours his grandfather brought back. Amazing how crude they were. Need to get one of these before they skyrocket