DWM 1906 Kaiserliche Marine- Gouvernment Kiautschou


Senior Member
Hi All, I’m pretty excited to have finally checked naval gewehr off my list. This one seems to bear a pretty obscure unit making; KU which represents Kiautschou. It basically had everyone stumped but Chris had a contact that’s highly specialized in Naval and Marine unit markings that identified it. Essentially, this was a leased territory from the republic of China in Tsingtao that was governed by the German Navy from 1898-1914.

As for the gun, it’s pretty interesting. Ultimately this rifle ended up serving on the Western Front where it was rebarreled at Köln. I imagine this was either sent to the army or maybe marines in Flanders. Cyrus had an interesting observation; if you look at the hardening proof you'll find this was originally intended to be part of an army contract but was diverted for the navy sometime after the receiver was manufactured.




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Sam, that's such a nice piece. It went criminally cheap too. One observation to document the conversations you, Cyrus and I have had, I think it's potentially a leftover 05 army receiver. Here's the right side of my 1905 jäger marked rifle. The c/F is identical. I'd be curious to hear @Loewe 's take.


The unit marking just clinches it. Glad it landed in the worthy hands of such a good friend!
Your photos make it look so much better than the listing photos, congrats on a fascinating naval Gew 98! Is this the first unit mark for Kiautschou that's appeared on the forum? And if this one saw service in Asia, one has to wonder how well traveled this one is and its story of how it wound up here!
Sam, that's such a nice piece. It went criminally cheap too. One observation to document the conversations you, Cyrus and I have had, I think it's potentially a leftover 05 army receiver. Here's the right side of my 1905 jäger marked rifle. The c/F is identical. I'd be curious to hear @Loewe 's take.

View attachment 432185

The unit marking just clinches it. Glad it landed in the worthy hands of such a good friend!
Wish I had something profound to add, and my trends are not close to current but I will add the dated trends below (more than 5 years out of date) but this barrel pattern is 1915'ish Spandau in style (c-d block all), this an earlier lot than known but acceptance matches perfectly (not saying Spandau did the re-barrel but it matches in style and acceptance)


500 – C/P C/F C/D (KM f/p) (W.D.1158)
3664 – C/P C/P C/P (KM f/p) (bolt C/P KMfp C/P) (W.D.706)
4839 – RR- n/a (KM f/p) (W.D.713)
6440 – C/M C/M C/M (KM f/p)(barrel m/m)
9612 – C/C C/F C/F (Pfp) (BSI 382 / C/X Pfp – re-barrel)

1167 a – C/C C/F C/F (170.R.5.41)
2489 a – RR- n/a (170.R.1.20) (handguard match-stock unknown)
4205 a – C/C C/F C/N (Amberg rework)

*** for whatever reason every year the KM contract seem to be in the first block, sometimes bleeding into a-block then Army contracts start. I am sure there is logic to the repeated pattern, like DWM filled the KM demand first then switched to Prussia, but more trends and reading is needed for a better grasp.
C/S = KM, this universal to 1904, but note this not the case in 1906 (excepting this rifle). I will try and flesh out (update) trends for DWM RR up through 1906 by tomorrow or Friday to obtain a clearer RR pattern for DWM in ths range but I agree generally C/S is KM (maybe some diversions occurred in 1906?
Well done Sam. Awesome Navy Gew 98. I am happy you got it. It actually looks a lot nicer than I thought. That is one of two Ku marked Gew 98 I have seen. The other one is located in the UK.

1906/DWM/5737/ KU 1211 (Ku may stand for Gouvernment Kiautschou and was therefore issued to troops of the Naval Authorities such as the Tsingtao Chinese Polizeitruppe.)
1909/DWM/903/III.S.B.4. 77. and Ku 1516 (Ku may stand for Gouvernment Kiautschou and was therefore issued to troops of the Naval Authorities such as the Tsingtao Chinese Polizeitruppe. The sling is marked O.11390 with the first 1 cancelled/struck out in typical fashion for the period, so the number is 1390. Rifles muzzle cover is marked Ku 352)
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Sam, that's such a nice piece. It went criminally cheap too. One observation to document the conversations you, Cyrus and I have had, I think it's potentially a leftover 05 army receiver. Here's the right side of my 1905 jäger marked rifle. The c/F is identical. I'd be curious to hear @Loewe 's take.

View attachment 432185

The unit marking just clinches it. Glad it landed in the worthy hands of such a good friend!

Thank you, Chris. Hopefully additional examples surface. Does this bear assembly numbered?

Your photos make it look so much better than the listing photos, congrats on a fascinating naval Gew 98! Is this the first unit mark for Kiautschou that's appeared on the forum? And if this one saw service in Asia, one has to wonder how well traveled this one is and its story of lolhow it wound up here!

Thanks you! I cleaned this one considerably with bronze wool, which is why it looks better. It’s not the first Kiautschou marked gun that’s accounted for but probably the first posted here. Odds are it ended up with German marines in Flanders or it was transferred to the army in the weapons shortage period.

Good looking rifle Sam…. I like it

Thanks, Jory! I appreciate it!
Great looking rifle. Where did you find this one, if I may ask?

Thank you, gunbroker.

Well done Sam. Awesome Navy Gew 98. I am happy you got it. It actually looks a lot nicer than I thought. That is one of two Ku marked Gew 98 I have seen. The other one is located in the UK.

1906/DWM/5737/ KU 1211 (Ku may stand for Gouvernment Kiautschou and was therefore issued to troops of the Naval Authorities such as the Tsingtao Chinese Polizeitruppe.)
1909/DWM/903/III.S.B.4. 77. and Ku 1516 (Ku may stand for Gouvernment Kiautschou and was therefore issued to troops of the Naval Authorities such as the Tsingtao Chinese Polizeitruppe. The sling is marked O.11390 with the first 1 cancelled/struck out in typical fashion for the period, so the number is 1390. Rifles muzzle cover is marked Ku 352)

Thanks Michael!

Wonderful KM Gew, Sam! Figuring this one out has been fascinating. Glad you got the photos up; it's in the reference!

Thanks Cyrus! Glad we all have one.

Excellent gewehr Sam! I do love those naval ones. Congrats

Is the bolt naval?

Thanks Mike? Unfortunately no, it’s a standard Prussian bolt.

Awesome KM gewehr, and thank you for sharing Sam.

Thanks Jordan!! I appreciate it.