Frankly, looking at the pouch, I don’t think it’s fake. FYI the ATF pouches are generally exact copies of an original pouch in Rollins collection, exact. Just keep it with the mags and rifle, don’t expect everyone to accept its real - fakes have been polluting the German field gear market so long people don’t believe vet provenance anymore. But that just looks real, not fake aged or even Reenactor used aged.
Farb, I'm not throwing it under the bus without any reasons. I have studied the Ernst Gustave Leuner pouches, specifically the black smooth leather ones, alot. The features I pointed out don't come from nowhere, and I did not say this one was an ATF made pouch, I said it had the same trapezoidal D-ring retainer as the old ATF reproduction.
If you know of other internal brass made flat rivets in original riveted G43 / K43 pouches, I'm all ears.
Let's keep in mind that the eastern block discovery happened around 25-35 years from now and a lot could have happened with lots of fakes poping up in the mean time.
My concerns are as sumed up:
- brass internal rivets, non hollow, flat
- thickness of leather backing and flaps, wrong type of leather inside compared to known Leuner pouches
- wrong D-ring attachement and wrong D-ring as well wirh very sharp / angular corners
- wrong stitching pattern
- wrong shape of the edges below the flaps in open position
- wrong inner rivet connection for the D-ring attachement on the inside
- wrong internal sewing patch for the loop attachement
- wrong top rivet heads on the outside
- wrong type of flap studs, these should be typical and shared between 2nd type softshell p38 holsters from "bla" as well as the Grenade Launcher Pouch with large head and pimple on top.
I recognize I might have been too adamant before and a bit emotionally driven, but that's a topic I spent along time studying and have posted on here, waf and other places. Not saying I'm an all knower, but that's my two cents, this one is not one I deem to be original to the period.
And if people disagree, it's all fine withe me. To each their own I guess.
Best wishes