Any plans to reprint Vol III?

Sorry man. If it’s any consolation we printed nearly the same number of every volume.

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Vol. 1 is going to be the next to sell out, probably sometime next year.

I must've misunderstood our recent communication Farb, I was under the impression that Volumes 1 and 3 were both sold out.

Please tell me how I might acquire a copy of Volume 1.

I must've misunderstood our recent communication Farb, I was under the impression that Volumes 1 and 3 were both sold out.

Please tell me how I might acquire a copy of Volume 1.


Well......that post was in 2019 and we sold out in 2020 so my prediction was spot on. This is an older thread.

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We should push them to sell eBook versions as well. Would love to pay again for an eBook - that way I can carry it with me and "pull them out" on gunshows, in the airplane, etc.:thumbsup:
I picked up a signed physical copy of Volume III, although it is great can one of the authors become like a famous actor or something so I can flip it for a million?

I also second an eBook copy.
Or you strike a deal with McCollum and his Headstamp Publishing venture.

He was so pissed off to see his sold out recent book reach sky high prices that he is reprinting it.
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Amazon Kindle version would be a blast, many people would certainly pay second time for the whole set (count me in for sure!). Also, Tom from Legacy simultaneously released his PP/PPK SS contract reference book in hard cover & kindle. It is so convenient. Please consider it guys :) What’s the point of having pdf accumulating dust? :)
Amazon Kindle version would be a blast, many people would certainly pay second time for the whole set (count me in for sure!). Also, Tom from Legacy simultaneously released his PP/PPK SS contract reference book in hard cover & kindle. It is so convenient. Please consider it guys :) What’s the point of having pdf accumulating dust? :)
I’d prefer it to be a nook book, but that’s just ‘cuz I despise Jeff Bezos & refuse to knowingly give him my $$!
We can like him or not, but Amazon is the biggest market platform in the US... and addictively convenient.
There are certainly good folks selling using the platform, but I won’t buy anything there. In the early days, there were things I’d buy, but for me (non-smart phone user) the convenience factor doesn’t outweigh the steady upward pressure in pricing, and the fact that I just plain don’t like him. The amazon van NEVER comes to my house!
I would also like to buy such a weapon. Would you please tell me how to clean it? I only learned how to clean a gun. I started getting into guns six months ago and decided to start with a pistol. But with a bigger gun, I don't know how to clean it or disassemble it. I did not understand how a gun could get dirty if it weren't dropped on the ground. At, they talked in detail about this and how to clean guns. But can you recommend other articles that tell me how to clean rifles? I could use it.
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I am hoping to find a used copy of Volume III. I know books are expensive to print, but if I paid what I am seeing Volume III go for online right now, I will be enjoying reading it on the couch.
We are not going to reprint Vol 3, or any others for that matter. All are out of print including the Vol2 books we are selling now. When we sell out, we’re done.

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Sure I know it's a old Post. But I'd like to revive it a little bit I know you're saying that the cost of printing it and in the recoup your money is too long. You ever thought about making a list and maybe taking a deposit and then once you get to the certain level that you got enough buyers that want the book and he got enough money in the pot to say you could print the book out then and won't cost you anything. I see now the book is going on eBay from $500 to $700 and I bet is the author you must be so angry that initially the book probably went for what $140
I get the value and importance of books to collectors, but at some point, when the cost of the book exceeds the cost of making a bad purchase decision, I'll just take my chances!
Holy crap that price is insane. Happy I got myself three sets of all volumes when they were still available. One for the office, one for at home, one as spare set. Didn't expect one of them to become as valuable as an all matching K98k rifle though, lol.

Well Mike and Bruce, maybe you should reconsider to get it reprinted (possibly when Vol. IV is anyway in the printing process). Or what I would love, an eBook version to download and keep with me. Because the search function also works for this :).