TSS mark on stock

Mike P

Active member
I have a Mauser stock with tss stamped on it. Does anyone know what it means I don’t see any other markings on it.
Thanks Mike
i dunno what that ‘means’ but is that a G33/40 stock? (metal plate above butt plate is unique) knowing who used the G33/40 might lead you to more info about the mark……..
Czechoslovakia, Germany & Norway, as well as 8 central & south American nations used these rifles, (Vz 33 & clones) for mountain troops & police forces.
In reality when it was found in USA so it could be initials of the soldier who captured the rifle TSS as initials, G33/40 dont remained in CS. This is a more piece buttstock so i assume 1940/1 production.
In reality when it was found in USA so it could be initials of the soldier who captured the rifle TSS as initials, G33/40 dont remained in CS. This is a more piece buttstock so i assume 1940/1 production.
I agree that this is a solid possibility, and I had that thought as well, but most of the vet embellishments I've seen have been more hand carved than stamped.

That said, some guys did have punch sets in their garages. I've seen way more crudely scratched or carved initials, but I have seen one that had a dude's entire name spelled out along with his SSN in stamped letters/numbers down the side of the stock. That was a T99, but still illustrative of what some people did with their bringbacks.