dot 42 G.33/40 Pics

Nice report but unfortunally from my information the bolts for G33/40 were not made in Povazska Bystrica so the WaA607 bolt could be made only for G24(t)? , unfortunally there is no specification what for parts for G33/40 were made in PB.
PS it would be nice to see the Z in circle on that parts.
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Nice report but unfortunally from my information the bolts for G33/40 were not made in Povazska Bystrica so the WaA607 bolt could be made only for G24(t)? , unfortunally there is no specification what for parts for G33/40 were made in PB.
PS it would be nice to see the Z in circle on that parts.

Circle Z on bolt handle root pictured in second post above, 5th pic. Also has an L followed by a single digit.
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Up until today, I have not seen etched Waffenamts. …,
Check out these etched tools…

Circle Z on bolt handle is from Brno not from PB, as mentioned PB didnt made any G33/40 bolts, only correct parts from PB and proofed here are bolt lock lever and magazine plate stamped with E/607, question remains the part of bolt lock with etched WaA607, by dissasembly of bolt should be probably a visible other small Z in circle. i have no problem with etched WaA but PB i dont saw this type of proof as on metall parts was used E/607. but maybe someone has more info about. I assume the bolt is E/63 proofed for plant Brno.
This rifle was made post production from reserve parts. hence is not serialed. Question is too why we dont see the proofs on right receiver as by normal production even spare parts there should be E/63 proofs?
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To the presented table:
"Werk I Brünn got G.33/40 parts from Werk II Povazska Bystrica in 1941, order number 211-21.025. The amount in crowns corresponds to 55,125.24 Reichsmarks."
there some points to mentione, firstly its in slovak crown also Ks not in RM in table
-question remains to what for timeline was done this 1941 report because in Smid book is reported they delivered 50000 rifles in 1941 not as here mentioned 30000 other point by this is Smid present different contract numbers??
-similar statistical reports are allways tricky to read as some of the info could be in reality different, that is clear when You read the Smid book
-in report of meeting of Brno with germans in 1941 was the Werk II prepared for switch from Vz24 directly to Kar98k production and the change was done longer period as believed or planed, Werk I. Brno was prepared for following production of G33/40 parts as PB never made non compactible parts with Vz24. Change of tooling would be needed between G24 and G33/40.

Yesterday i went to look at Smid book, as i dont remember everything offcoarse, the G33/40 spare parts contract made by Brno was mentioned there with some parts delivered by Werk II Povazska Bystrica plant and these were only with parts identical to Vz24 rifle, so the report presented here is correct but was done around september 1941 as not all production is listed there. Statistics was evidently done not only on end of year 1941. From 1941 there exist more statistical reports with different numbers.
Follower, springs, bolt lock, magazine parts, bayonet adapter and possible small parts of bolt, which are identical to VZ24 were delivered too by Werk II.PB. I assume the Verschlussschlosschen or the bolt sleeve could be made by PB, the main body of bolt of G33/40 was made only in Brno. The engraved WaA607 in this place could be explained by very early german commission use as on that place in PB and on other parts was not used this form of proof.
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To the presented table:
"Werk I Brünn got G.33/40 parts from Werk II Povazska Bystrica in 1941, order number 211-21.025. The amount in crowns corresponds to 55,125.24 Reichsmarks."
there some points to mentione, firstly its in slovak crown also Ks not in RM in table
-question remains to what for timeline was done this 1941 report because in Smid book is reported they delivered 50000 rifles in 1941 not as here mentioned 30000 other point by this is Smid present different contract numbers??
-similar statistical reports are allways tricky to read as some of the info could be in reality different, that is clear when You read the Smid book
-in report of meeting of Brno with germans in 1941 was the Werk II prepared for switch from Vz24 directly to Kar98k production and the change was done longer period as believed or planed, Werk I. Brno was prepared for following production of G33/40 parts as PB never made non compactible parts with Vz24. Change of tooling would be needed between G24 and G33/40.

Yesterday i went to look at Smid book, as i dont remember everything offcoarse, the G33/40 spare parts contract made by Brno was mentioned there with some parts delivered by Werk II Povazska Bystrica plant and these were only with parts identical to Vz24 rifle, so the report presented here is correct but was done around september 1941 as not all production is listed there. Statistics was evidently done not only on end of year 1941. From 1941 there exist more statistical reports with different numbers.
Follower, springs, bolt lock, magazine parts, bayonet adapter and possible small parts of bolt, which are identical to VZ24 were delivered too by Werk II.PB. I assume the Verschlussschlosschen or the bolt sleeve could be made by PB, the main body of bolt of G33/40 was made only in Brno. The engraved WaA607 in this place could be explained by very early german commission use as on that place in PB and on other parts was not used this form of proof.

Thank you, my friend!