bayonet abbreviations


Are the S98/05 and the G98/05 and the K98/05 the same bayonet. Is there a site I can visit to find the different names of German bayonets?
Thank you.
scan from the book. A. Wacker, Joachim Goertz "Handbuch Deutscher Waffenstempel


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There is no such thing as a G98/05 or K98/05. The designation is S98/05; the S for Seitengewehr. The scan above does not include the "old" and "new" designations for the S98/05 which I find infesting as they were official.

S98/05 a.A. (alter Art or old model)

S98/05 n.A. (neuer/neuen Art or new model)

The m.S. (mit Säge or with saw) and o.S. (ohne Säge or without saw) designations were used with the above. There was also nomenclature for those blades that had their saw section removed - m.S. abg.

The link below might be helpful as well ......

Great clarification Slash. Another one that drives me batty is people referring to the private purchase bayonets as "dress"or "parade" bayonets. I've never seen them in parade pics. As long as we all learn.
The walking out would be probably better designation or out of service bayonets, in some cases even Extra KS98 were used with normal and not walking out uniform. Question is what it means with parade?