Looking for bayonet

Did they make any for the (Ch.d.A.) Chef des Ausbildungswesens, Head of Training for the SA?
Did they make any for the (Ch.d.A.) Chef des Ausbildungswesens, Head of Training for the SA?
I have never observed any German bayonet bearing a Ch.d.A marking. However, Rg34 cleaning kits are known:
As Andy mentioned, serial numbers have been seen on a few S84/98 bayonets. These numbers are of a font and size seen on bayonets subsequently matched to rifles upon receipt by Mauser o/An to accompany a contract. My understanding is the S.A. was scrounging for weapons, bayonets, etc. and took what they could get.
The "narrow blade" examples are almost exclusive to the Reichsbahn.
There are known associations with the Weyersberg blankos to the Reichspost.
As far as the SA, anybodys guess here but I would assume some form or early Behoerden S84/98.

I don't ever recall seeing any bayonets with SA unit marks.