SS Conversion Short Side Rail 6497u


Senior Member
SS Conversion Short Side Rail 6497u. I am looking for a lone SS Ajack scope, SS Hendsoldt, or SS PKohler to put in the mount if you have one. Stock is a repaired duffle cut. All matching but front band and Scope.

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Does the base have any numbers on it?
The base/rail is stamped assembler 36 on the bottom Georg. The same as the SSR assembler 36 scope mount pictured. Who, where, or when it was stamped assembly number 36 I don't know. Why I didn't picture it. The SSR scope tube obviously did not match when I bought it and the SSR scope mount on it was not rifle serial numbered to any rifle (pictured).

There are not enough of them to show a trend of numbering characteristics in my opinion. I have seen some SS SSR rails rifle serial numbered on the front face. However, I have seen more early SS SSR rails have a rifle serial number on the back edge (Like my other SS SSR pictured below it). The later SS SSR bases/ rails did not have any rifle serial number anywhere on the base/rail. This one here does not have a rifle serial on back edge or anywhere. Like how the back edge of the rail/bases on the later Mauser Banner SSR Rifles were not rifle serial numbered. The early Mauser Banner SSR rails were serial numbered on the back edge. I have come to think these were built by commercial builders and possibly exhibit similar building/numbering characteristics of other SSR types like Banner SSR's and Sauer SSR's. That's just my opinion based on ones I've personally seen. I doubt it's possible to know for sure.

The base/rail on this SS SSR is shaped at the front of the base/rail like the rail on a early Banner SSR rifle I have seen. Plus it has the large pin that requires a mount with a cut out at the lever. If you know what I mean.

I like it and why I bought it. I posted it hoping to generate some interest and for possibly obtaining a SS SSR Scope tube to put in my assembler #36 mount I just posted here.
Sorry Brian, bit confused, so have to ask again to make sure I understood correctly:
the base on the scopeless rifle is stamped 36 on bottom. That very same 36 is stamped on the SSR mount (with scope) on your other rifle? The SSR mount currently on the scopeless rifle does NOT have a pairing number on the bottom of the dovetail?

To my understanding these are pairing numbers and not assembler numbers, because due to their contruction they had to be matched to each other. So making in batches of like 100 pieces each does make sense. But that is just personal understanding.
I’ve seen a lot of ssr rifles without bases that have been restored (for lack of a better word) by adding real unnumbered mounts. The fact this one had a fake front band and fake numbered scope (6x P Khohler?) on it originally suggested that to me personally. I remember seeing pics of it a year ago from when it was offered to someone else - still could be an original SSR but it’s one reason I’m personally not a fan of ANY non matching SSR, especially SS ones. But I do like the base rifle in this instance.
Yes. It’s marked 36 Georg. I just can’t say from where or when. So, I’m not calling the scope mount matching the rail. Preferably I’d like to find a SS SSR Ajack to put on the mount. If you would sell me one then I’d appreciate it!

Edit: The front band is now an unnumbered armorers H band. The original front band was probably lost by the veteran since rifle is a repaired duffle cut.
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