1933 Polish Wz29


Well-known member
A few days back I requested more photos which may impact your thoughts.
Nazi rework stamp present
Front band serialized during German rework
Missing bayonet lug
Non-Polish bolt force matched (to a degree)
Oddly the side sling swivel was “deleted” (Germans typically deleted the underside sling swivels)
K98k style cleaning rod
Action screws non-matching and non-Polish
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Very nice. What is the meaning of the “Hex D”cartouche on the pistol grip?
I have an Simson Karab98b B/R with k98k length barrel in a stock so marked.
Ah, sorry I broke a rule with this post and it needed mod editing. I apologize for the confusion.

The rule is no posting of ongoing auctions, which rule you acknowledged, but then went on to post the seller and where it was being auctioned and generally solicited inquiries and interest for the auction. We don't want our site littered with shilling. Because we all, from around the world, graciously give the best information on these rifles to be found on this planet, freely, it is appropriate to offer items for sale here first, not sling chum for an auction. I think we are very lenient but we do have a few rules and attempts at getting around them with technicalities and such are dimly viewed. Thank you in advance for being mindful of them.
The rule is no posting of ongoing auctions, which rule you acknowledged, but then went on to post the seller and where it was being auctioned and generally solicited inquiries and interest for the auction. We don't want our site littered with shilling. Because we all, from around the world, graciously give the best information on these rifles to be found on this planet, freely, it is appropriate to offer items for sale here first, not sling chum for an auction. I think we are very lenient but we do have a few rules and attempts at getting around them with technicalities and such are dimly viewed. Thank you in advance for being mindful of them.
Understood HB,
That certainly was not my intention, but after reading this over again, I can understand how it was construed that way. I have no connection with the rifle being discussed, nor any relation to the seller. However that doesn’t change the fact that what my original message sent appeared that I was chumming the waters / shilling. Lesson learned to be more careful about such posts.

If desired, please feel free to delete this thread/post as a whole.
Understood HB,
That certainly was not my intention, but after reading this over again, I can understand how it was construed that way.

If desired, please feel free to delete this thread/post as a whole.

Thanks. Nope, we're good. You're one of us, you get an easy pass, but it's a learning moment for everyone not as veteran a member.