Need help for my K98

it seems to me that there is no waffenamt eagle on the stock.
on the other hand just before the number 294 under the barrel there is a marking but I do not know how to read it...
when you speak of commercial mauser what do you mean ?
Could be on the underside below the trigger or grip area
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My unqualified opinion is that your original assessment is correct, that this is an ‘ar 43’ rifle. the question is, who finished it? MB, MO or ? I looked at several similar rifles the picture reference and read the comments as well.
I believe the sn is 747a, & the parts that are sn marked look good to me. the bolt is FN suggesting finishing by MO, but there aren’t any e/135s. I have no idea about the scrubbed/unmarked receiver top.

@Mitsu what shape are the holes on the underside of the bolt, round or oval?
are there any green ink marks in the barrel channel?

as to the photo above, several of the ar 43 rifles in the reference appear to have partially sanded out barrel codes like yours, I think yours has remnants of this mark: (this rifle & photo belong to moderator @Pisgah here)

I think having the a suffix in the stock barrel channel limits it to MB, as MO never did this. The barrel code is another strong indicator IMHO. I'll add the a suffix being stamped in the bolt gutter is another.

I'm also not sure why the receiver top is blank.
indeed I saw a very strong resemblance with an ar43 Thank you for confirming.
I saw the photo of the code under the barrel and yes it looks a lot like mine for sure you are right. now as you say remains to be seen who assembled this K98 MO or MB ...
Here are some photos of the holes under the bolt. there is a B marked. thank so much Muncher53.
it is exciting to be able to trace this K98 .


I think having the a suffix in the stock barrel channel limits it to MB, as MO never did this. The barrel code is another strong indicator IMHO. I'll add the a suffix being stamped in the bolt gutter is another.

I'm also not sure why the receiver top is blank.
Not easy MO or MB assembler. 😁
Maybe with these last photos of the underside of the bolt it could help you.
perhaps also the barrel is from the end of 1943 but the rifle could have been assembled during 1944 which would perhaps explain why there is no marking "ar43" or "ar44" I don't know...
perhaps also the barrel is from the end of 1943 but the rifle could have been assembled during 1944 which would perhaps explain why there is no marking "ar43" or "ar44" I don't know...
The barrel by steel lot fits in earlier '43 production. Fairly soon after this (low 300s) they switched to a double letter code for the steel lot.
Also a blanko receiver right side (which I assume it is since you didn't post it) is correct for a house made receiver in this time period.
yes that's it exactly there is no marking on the right side of the receiver.
So for you and to summarize it would be an ar43 assembled at MB? is that right ?
yes that's it exactly there is no marking on the right side of the receiver.
So for you and to summarize it would be an ar43 assembled at MB? is that right ?
Correct. The thing that tells me it's MB assembled in '43 and not MO later is the 'a' suffix after the serial number in the barrel channel of the stock. The unmarked right side just tells me it's most likely a '43 house made receiver and completed in the a block of '43 production based on the barrel code and specifically the steel lot code.

It was an interesting game of clue however, so thanks for that!

A few more of the things I noticed. There's a process stamp on the barrel shank near the top of the receiver, which is something they did. Another lesser clue is the way the rear band is numbered with the 7 on the left and 47 on the right. Not definitive, but that is how they did it.
well it's exciting yes and a very big thank you to you. it's incredible to know all that !!!
this forum is the bible of the K98 ! 😂
I would just have one last question about the rear sight. there are "i" markings does that mean that it is Elite Diamant who supplied certain parts ?
My guess is this is a Mauser Berlin finished K98k circa 1943 with a partially scrubbed receiver.
Would like to see a crisp picture of the top of the receiver which should have a top centered E/26 final acceptance.

well it's exciting yes and a very big thank you to you. it's incredible to know all that !!!
this forum is the bible of the K98 ! 😂
I would just have one last question about the rear sight. there are "i" markings does that mean that it is Elite Diamant who supplied certain parts ?
Yes, it would be a lower case i with a distinct dot. Which part or parts? Ladder? Slider lock bar perhaps? I didn't see it in your photos, Yeah, that's them. :ROFLMAO: but may have missed that.