K98K (Capture?) Value Inquiry


Have a Mauser - not sure the origin or back story

Wood is rough, feels like it was sanded with heavy grit and stained or something

Stock seems to have extra cross bolt near trigger

Numbers appear to match on receiver and bolt, no number on bolt sleeve, no eagles or proof mars on receiver

Bottom metal and stock are force matched

No year or number code on receiver, only crest (some kind of communist crest?)

No idea what kind of K98 this is - I assume either some kind of capture or maybe a post war commie production?

Appreciate if you know the back story and can give me a good sell price

Pictures are here

The stock is a Yugo capture and I haven't seen too many with extra cross-bolts done by them. Need to see pics of the top of the receiver, bolt assy, trigger guard, floor plate, upper, lower bands to assess further. Most likely a Yugo reworked K98k from your description.
Yugo reworked K98k retaining some of the markings like waffenamts, some serial numbers and the Mod.98. Probably a $700 rifle on Gunjoker.
The rifle looks nice,Yugoslavian army used this caprured rifles,after german's defeat.Imagine,if this rifle could tell us its story...
Technical designation is 98/48 for K98k Rifle refurbished in the 1948 rebuild of German Mausers.
SN is Yugo # on right side of receiver, communist crest on top.
Interestingly no stamp for the facility on the left of receiver. I can't tell in the photos but check the right side of the rear site base near the front of it. Often those WaA are not ground off as they were removed from the original barrel and put on the Yugo replacement barrel. These were mostly not used but stored so with a new barrel make great shooters