Polish Rifle Accessories


Senior Member
Thought I would post photos of the few Polish rifle accessories I have been fortunate enough to find. Any Polish, pre-WW2 items such as arms, accessories for same, field gear, etc. are quite scarce and even moreso in original condition. Much of it was either modified or used by the Germans, their allies or the Soviets and likely stayed primarily in the East. This is all too apparent when original examples turn up in condition at auction or a collector show. The $70,000.00 paid for the second Maroszek Wz.38M to turn up for sale a few years ago (repatriated to Poland) is just one example. I have posted photos of my humble Polish bayonets and pair of Polish rifle cartridge pouches. Most collectors are familiar with these pouches which were given to Finland as aid by the Germans and later sold off during the 1980s-90s. Will amend this post to include a few Polish frogs as well when I can get to them.

Bayonets are, from top to bottom:
1. Blued complete German refurb of Polish Wz28/scabbard PE | WP & FB | RADOM
2. Wz22 marked PE | WP & Zbr4. | N.r 99255 w/2nd ptn. scbd. (likely a replacement) with factory black baked enamel paint finish (M in triangle stamped).
3. Wz24 marked PE | WP & PERKUN | M in triangle | Nr. 810237
4. Wz28 marked PE | WP & FB | RADOM + D | 2. Nr. 9548S
5. Wz28 Late example PE | 1939 & FB | RADOM + D | 2 Nr. 957 b Dull matte blued finish.

Addendum: Detailed bayo photos posts Nr 6 & 7


  • Polish bayonets.JPG
    Polish bayonets.JPG
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  • Polish Ctg Pchs 1.JPG
    Polish Ctg Pchs 1.JPG
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  • Polish Ctg Pchs 2.JPG
    Polish Ctg Pchs 2.JPG
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  • Polish Ctg Pch Ink Mkngs Top Pch      L to R 1.JPG
    Polish Ctg Pch Ink Mkngs Top Pch L to R 1.JPG
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  • Polish Ctg Pch Ink Mkngs Top Pch      L to R 2.JPG
    Polish Ctg Pch Ink Mkngs Top Pch L to R 2.JPG
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  • Polish Ctg Pch Ink Mkngs Top Pch      L to R 3.JPG
    Polish Ctg Pch Ink Mkngs Top Pch L to R 3.JPG
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Last edited:
Thought I would post photos of the few Polish rifle accessories I have been fortunate enough to find. Any Polish, pre-WW2 items such as arms, accessories for same, field gear, etc. are quite scarce and even moreso in original condition. Much of it was either modified or used by the Germans, their allies or the Soviets and likely stayed primarily in the East. This is all too apparent when original examples turn up in condition at auction or a collector show. The $70,000.00 paid for the second Maroszek Wz.38M to turn up for sale a few years ago (repatriated to Poland) is just one example. I have posted photos of my humble Polish bayonets and pair of Polish rifle cartridge pouches. Most collectors are familiar with these pouches which were given to Finland as aid by the Germans and later sold off during the 1980s-90s. Will amend this post to include a few Polish frogs as well when I can get to them.

Bayonets are, from top to bottom:
1. Blued complete German refurb of Polish Wz28/scabbard PE | & FB | RADOM
2. Wz22 marked PE | WP & Zbr4. | 99255 w/2nd ptn scbd (likely a replacement) with factory black baked enamel paint finish (M in triangle stamped).
3. Wz24 marked PE|WP & PERKUN | M in triangle | 810237
4. Wz28 marked PE | WP & FB | RADOM + D | 2. Nr 9548S
5. Wz28 Late example PE | 1939 & FB | RADOM + D | 2 Nr 957 b Dull matte blued finish.
Thought I would post photos of the few Polish rifle accessories I have been fortunate enough to find. Any Polish, pre-WW2 items such as arms, accessories for same, field gear, etc. are quite scarce and even moreso in original condition. Much of it was either modified or used by the Germans, their allies or the Soviets and likely stayed primarily in the East. This is all too apparent when original examples turn up in condition at auction or a collector show. The $70,000.00 paid for the second Maroszek Wz.38M to turn up for sale a few years ago (repatriated to Poland) is just one example. I have posted photos of my humble Polish bayonets and pair of Polish rifle cartridge pouches. Most collectors are familiar with these pouches which were given to Finland as aid by the Germans and later sold off during the 1980s-90s. Will amend this post to include a few Polish frogs as well when I can get to them.

Bayonets are, from top to bottom:
1. Blued complete German refurb of Polish Wz28/scabbard PE | & FB | RADOM
2. Wz22 marked PE | WP & Zbr4. | 99255 w/2nd ptn scbd (likely a replacement) with factory black baked enamel paint finish (M in triangle stamped).
3. Wz24 marked PE|WP & PERKUN | M in triangle | 810237
4. Wz28 marked PE | WP & FB | RADOM + D | 2. Nr 9548S
5. Wz28 Late example PE | 1939 & FB | RADOM + D | 2 Nr 957 b Dull matte blued finish.
Those are in EXCELLENT condition! Very nice examples.
WOW :love:

Those are VERY impressive, not just for condition but for the rarity you mentioned. Thanks for sharing those!
Thanks to all! Decided to post more detailed photos of the five Polish bayonets as the single photo did not present well. The following pics are in the same order as those in the initial post:


  • Wz28 German Refurb 1a.JPG
    Wz28 German Refurb 1a.JPG
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  • Wz28 German Refurb 1b.JPG
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  • Wz28 German Refurb 1c.JPG
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  • Wz22 2a.JPG
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  • Wz22 2c.JPG
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  • Wz22 2d.JPG
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  • Wz24 1a.JPG
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  • Wz24 1b.JPG
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  • Wz24 1d.JPG
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Remaining photos, last two bayonets:


  • Wz28 1a.JPG
    Wz28 1a.JPG
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  • Wz28 1b.JPG
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  • Wz28 1c.JPG
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  • Wz28 1939 1a.JPG
    Wz28 1939 1a.JPG
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  • Wz28 1939 1b.JPG
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    Wz28 1939 1c.JPG
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  • Wz28 1939 1d.JPG
    Wz28 1939 1d.JPG
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One observation regarding Polish bayonets is that in my experience, have never encountered any Pre-WW2 example with the scabbard serial number (if present) matching that of the bayonet. Am pretty sure the bayonets were not numbered to the rifles either (although those Wz28s with serial number on the crossguard make me wonder). It also appears the Poles stopped numbering scabbards altogether in the latter 1930s. My thought is both bayonet and scabbard serial numbers were only applied to track production. Thoughts?
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