BCD 42 k98

So your the one who bought that rifle. Very nice grab, that one was on my radar to grab when the funds were available.
Figure show off what I have coming home. A BCD 42, that far as can tell only trigger doesn't match.

Congratulations to your new rifle, it's a special K98k.

Please show the trigger and another thing is very important, take a photo of the stock completion date code, it's hidden behind the buttplate.

My assumption is that the stock was completed in July, in the 30th calendar week of 1942. Thursday, July 23, 1942 could have been the exact day. If my assumption is correct, you could find the code "Mü 4 30 42" behind the buttplate.
Now for a couple questions.

What's this missing screw called, and is it easy to find an original loose?


Also aside from a C on bottom button, E in sling keeper spot, and serial in channel I don't see any waffenamps or L or H stamps on butt. This normal?
It’s called a capture screw. It retains the trigger guard screw. Very easy to find a replacement and not too pricey.
While cleaning up my k98, found a nice little surprise I've never noticed. Never seen a numbered cleaning rod in my life, so never looked. But under light noticed mine was stamped 84. We're they still numbered in late 41 early 42?

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While cleaning up my k98, found a nice little surprise I've never noticed. Never seen a numbered cleaning rod in my life, so never looked. But under light noticed mine was stamped 84. We're they still numbered in late 41 early 42?

View attachment 423056View attachment 423057
My guess would be no, but we need you take the buttplate off and check the stock supplier code and finish date to be able to help you wether it would have had a numbered rod or not. There was a order in 1942 (which month it was escapes me) that production was too be simplified because of the rifle shortage and parts started to be serialized less, based on your type 2 milled barrel band I would venture too say your rifle was produced after that order for manufacturers came out, even rifles with visibly cracked receivers were used (cracked receiver rifles would have the cracks welded up a bit and reinspected again, there is and example shown in volume 2a or 2b)
Also too answer about the L or H missing on your stock, it mainly depends on how deeply struck the stock was and then exposure to elements etc there is a possibility that if the stock code is not right it could be a fake (of note a seller on GB sold a 337 1940 code K98K awhile back and the stock code and date was wrong so conclusion was it was humped, seller took the rifle back then proceeded to complain very, very much and saying that the Karabiner 98K series of books has cost him a ton of money ALLLLLL the while during his rant, one of the main authors was standing behind him and heared every word :) )
Congratulations to your new rifle, it's a special K98k.

Please show the trigger and another thing is very important, take a photo of the stock completion date code, it's hidden behind the buttplate.

My assumption is that the stock was completed in July, in the 30th calendar week of 1942. Thursday, July 23, 1942 could have been the exact day. If my assumption is correct, you could find the code "Mü 4 30 42" behind the buttplate.
Bumping Stephan's post for additional photos/information. I meant to comment about the trigger and 'factory errors', which are often claimed to explain away mismatched parts. I'd be inclined to suggest this is just that, as it's a part not subject to being lost or broken and e/18 would be correct for possible supplier.
Complete parts breakdown incase anyone researched or collected info for research info. I found limited info on BCD 42 rifles, and most pronounced things was seemed to use allot of contractor parts to assemble rifles around this time from what I read.

Receiver: BCD 42, eagle swastika 749 top, 4884 0, eagle swastika left "1" right

Ejector: "k" 84

Barrel: FN16/11 1941, eagle swastika left, waa613 x 3 right

Front sight: eagle over 18

Bolt: 4884 o top of bolt handle, eagle swastika rear bolt handle, "1" bolt handle

Extractor: eagle over 18 collar, 84 on bottom near lug

Bolt shroud(right term where safety is?): 4884 top, "e" right

Safety: 4884 top, "e" under

Cocking piece: 4884 next to "e" rear, "4" on rear sear

Firing pin: 4884 sideways b(?)

Rear sight collar: "a" next to eagle over 1b on right (didn't remove rear sight assembly)

Rear sight base: 4884 below sideways "4"

Sight spring: "S"

Rear sight ladder: 4884 (no other marks can be seen)

Rear sight slide: 48 on left v notch 84 on right

Rear sight slide button: 84

Front sight Hood: unmarked far as can tell

Bayonet lug: "e" no other marks visible assembled

Band spring: "j"

Rear band: 48 84 left side, upside down "1" and eagle over 1 on right

Recoil lug: "f"

Buttplate: brg waa497, ink stamped eagle swastika inside

Trigger housing: waa623 over 4884 (Steyr provided)

Magazine plate: eagle over 1, "1", 4884

Follower: eagle over 1, "1"

Follower spring: "k"

Trigger guard screws: unmarked

Trigger: "e"

Trigger spring assembly: eagle over 18x2, 54 (consensus factory goof mistaking 5 for 8 or vice versa)

Buttstock: br 4 33 42 under buttplate, c waa(can't make out number on bottom toe, 4884 in barrel channel

Handguard: 4884

Cleaning rod: 12.5" marked 84. Matches finish on wear and corrosion
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Complete parts breakdown incase anyone researched or collected info for research info. I found limited info on BCD 42 rifles, and most pronounced things was seemed to use allot of contractor parts to assemble rifles around this time from what I read.

Trigger housing: waa623 over 4884 (Steyr provided)

Yes, this is quite strange for the range, but the occasional e/37 is seen in 1943 production and "variety" is common with a maker like Gustloff. Just a little early!
BobJ & PeterK were good early researchers, along with Ken Huddle, J Steen and Mark Weiringa probably the best back then. Gustloff Weimar was a assembler mostly, they mostly made barrels andlittle else for the 98k, few enough of these,they are rather rare. The small group of firms in Saxony and Thuringia were the main parts suppliers for rifle assmebly, and that was what bcd was (they did make many things of importace though) but they rarely use Suhl maker parts.
BobJ & PeterK were good early researchers, along with Ken Huddle, J Steen and Mark Weiringa probably the best back then. Gustloff Weimar was a assembler mostly, they mostly made barrels andlittle else for the 98k, few enough of these,they are rather rare. The small group of firms in Saxony and Thuringia were the main parts suppliers for rifle assmebly, and that was what bcd was (they did make many things of importace though) but they rarely use Suhl maker parts.
Only reason looks plausible is the font matches rest of the gustloff 4's(4s different on bnz marked rifles from what seen) and the wear matches the gustloff floor plate making look together from beginning. Just an oddity that's annoying lol.

I don't think it bad, just unusual. 1942 was a year of great change for the rifle makers, what Germany should have done when war was decided upon in 1939 took over two years to implement and even still with little urgency... you see weird stuff till the end.