Question on J.P. Sauer sniper?


Well-known member
I looked at a couple J.P. Sauer k98k's today that belong to a friend and have a question. They are both mismatched, one is a ce42, the other a ce43, and both have the left side of the receivers milled flat where the mod. 98 would be, but I could not see any holes in the receivers and the left rail looked thicker than normal. Could these be lsr or ssr sniper receivers that weren't finished, and would they be worth much as being mismatched? I appreciate any info given.
The CE43 is a developmental Sauer thick side wall rifle (early LSR tests):

Here are a few examples:



As for the CE42, I am not aware of any thick side wall guns made in ‘42. Let alone any experiments with them, but I will yield to more experienced members
I'll have to get some pics of them, I know the 43 had the thick rail, but can't remember if the 42 did although they both definitely had the milled flats. Thank you for the info.
I've seen both ce42 and ce43 with thick side walls, both undrilled. I'd appreciate pictures of what you were looking at, including not only ones of the receiver side wall, but also of the serials and receiver markings, to compare them to others known.