What Happens to a GEW 98 When it Grows Up?

I don't believe I've seen you post your gew 98 before, do you have any more pics?? Lol.
Bullets are custom made by Hammer Bullets at $4/ea. Brass is once-fired 50BMG at about $1/each that lasts about 8-10 shots. CCI BMG primers and powders are readily available. It runs about $7/shot.

Bullets are custom made by Hammer Bullets at $4/ea. Brass is once-fired 50BMG at about $1/each that lasts about 8-10 shots. CCI BMG primers and powders are readily available. It runs about $7/shot.

Thanks for the reply and info. Reason I’m asking is that I’ve always wanted an “anti-tank” rifle and this seems easier to reload for than loading shells for a Lahti L-39. 😉. I’m assuming there is a process to resize the BMG casings? Special sizing dies and trimming?
I trim with a cheapo chop saw and finish with a Wilson Trimmer. The dies from CH4D, with a two-year wait, are about $575. Hornady has them for about $1500 and a 6-8 week wait time. When I had them custom make mine, their first T-Gewehr, it was $850 about three years ago.

No special sizing needed. Just use the "regular" sizing die and off you go. Sounds like you got the T-bug!

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I trim with a cheapo chop saw and finish with a Wilson Trimmer. The dies from CH4D, with a two-year wait, are about $575. Hornady has them for about $1500 and a 6-8 week wait time. When I had them custom make mine, their first T-Gewehr, it was ) $850 about three years ago.

No special sizing needed. Just use the "regular" sizing die and off you go. Sounds like you go the T-bug!

Good info….thanks. How much $$ are these T-Gewehr’s going for these days? Also, I thought the bore diameter on these is .323. What is the bore diameter? .50 cal? Wasn’t a T-Gewehr made in 8mm?
The T-Gewehrs can run between $10 and $20 thousand. While the Germans did have an 8mm armor-piercing round (The K bullet) in .323, the T-Gewehr is .525 versus the 50BMG at .510.

If you take the plunge, remember you will need a stout cleaning rod that would also work on a Long Land Brown Bess! I also use .54cal brushes and finish each cleaning session with a very necessary copper removal.

Good Morning,

Just a follow-up on cleaning. Recently secured Bore-Tech's Action Wiper and was amazed how much I had been leaving in the bolt-lug recesses after cleaning. The attachment works great on the T-Gewehr but is a bit of challenge on "smaller" rifles such as the GEW 98. With a bit of a learning curve, the Wiper did a good job on the '98 and my other rifles. I should have bought this years ago. Randy

action Wiper.jpg
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Good Morning,

Just a follow-up on cleaning. Recently secured Bore-Tech's Action Wiper and was amazed how much I had been leaving in the bolt-lug recesses after cleaning. The attachment works great on the T-Gewehr but is a bit of challenge on "smaller" rifles such as the GEW 98. With a bit of a learning curve, the Wiper did a good job on the '98 and my other rifles. I should have bought this years ago. Randy

View attachment 428256
Does this just have a patch added to it and rotated to the clean the locking lugs?
Good Morning,

Yes you add a patch over the spike. Once it's setup, you just rotate and move it back and forth a bit to clean the locking lug recesses. With the T-Gewehr there is much play going back and forth. With the other rifles there was just a bit. It worked great!

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