Sure! Here's a couple. I'll post an abbreviation of his description as well. "This rifle has all matching numbers including Bolt , with stock being likely arsenal replacement at some point. on this one we have very rare FN E/140 inspected Barrel, produced by Fabrique Nationale and sent to Gussen , sight with WaA623 proof , and Mauser Oberndorf contracted trigger-guard along with E/77 Radom magazine plate Bolt made at Gussen. Reciever has small maker proof on right side, but I can not determine if that is E/135 or E/623 – or maybe different contractor that made this particular receiver. It has typical crude tooling Finish on that piece remains in very good shape , with some honest wear and some patina - overall very nice and all original WWII .Laminated stock in excellent overall condition – factory unnumbered , but stamped with odd likely arsenal number in front of magazone This is not common place to stamp serial number, so hard to tell if that is inventory number or firearm number As stated , this wood looks like arsenal replacement at some point – with two E/359 Erma proofs on lower part – no other stamps ( that is armorers stock )." Big long description but believe it or not I cut it down. Im still learning to navigate this forum so forgive my lack of research thus far.