PPK date of manufacture

G41 Ignorant

Active member
Have a PPK S.N. 38351X, that was made in 1942. Is there any source that can establish a date or month to this pistol?

Thanks in advance.
No Walther production records survived WWII. Current production/year lists have been extrapolated from data bases assembled by ardent Walther collectors using associated information such as inscriptions, occassionally found sales receipts, etc.
There has to be a combined research record some where. The question is where. There are so many collectors of Walthers, that some of them have had to get together to combine their resource's and information to assemble a reasonable fact sheet. If not, then collectors collectively must get together, assemble their knowledge, and come to some conclusions as to date of manufacture.

Thanks for your input.
Those serial number/production year estimates seen on forums and elsewhere have been consolidated into charts as I explained above. There are no definitive Walther production records unless the Russians made off with some that have remained hidden for eighty years.