Hello all, I would first like to say that I did buy this rifle knowing it is almost certainly a faked rifle, none the less it still interests me and it was sold as a fake but the seller on gunbroker and the description read as followed, “WWII German Kar 98k Mauser Bolt Action Rifle, #6565C, 8x57mm, 23.6" barrel, blued finish, laminated stock set with cupped buttplate, inverted "V" front sight with attached hood and adjustable tangent rear sight. A very good condition reproduction steel cleaning rod is mounted under the barrel. Rifle is marked "Mod.98" on left side receiver rail and has been modified by adding "bcd/42" and "Luftamts" to the receiver and barrel. Matching numbers have been added to the bolt handle, barrel, and other parts. A serial number has been gouged out of the left side buttstock. Condition overall is good, the partially reblued metal showing gold toning to the barrel bands and trigger guard. Action operates smoothly, bright bore rates as excellent with well-defined rifling. No visible import marks.”
The rifle was $680+ 45 shipping so wrong what I see a lot of post war Czech’s going for so I decided to pick it up. This being said before buying the rifle I remember seeing a thread on another fake depo build bcd 42 rifle that also had the Lza 1 mark on it as well. This particular rifle has signs that the barrel has been remembered to match the receiver but the rear sight has what I believe to be the original sn#1628 B the rifles sn is 6565 c, to note the other fake bcd was also in the c block. The bolt body and safety match the an ad don’t seem to be restated, the bolt shroud has no sn on it and is blank with factory finish. The stock “matches” but looks far to nice to be original, there are also stampings just forward of the magazine and above and below the recoil lug on the right side of the stock, outside of these there are no other markings where there might be on others like near the takedown disk. The barrel seems to have still have part of a makers code/lot code but I can not tell if there is more that was “unscrubbed” form the barrel. The front band is also “matching” but is stuck on by way of being peend in place at the top left and right of the band for some reason. There is also an interesting marking on the bottom of the cocking pice pictured as well. Any info on the markings would be nice. As for the rifle over all I find it interesting that’s there is another fake bcd Laz 1 depo build rifle in the c block and I feel that getting this info out to people looking for real Laz 1 or any other depo builds is important. I personally like the rifle, it looks like it will be a good shooter among my other rifles that I have and I will enjoy it to the fullest.
Any thoughts and comments are welcome as I want to see what you all think of these bcd fakes.

The rifle was $680+ 45 shipping so wrong what I see a lot of post war Czech’s going for so I decided to pick it up. This being said before buying the rifle I remember seeing a thread on another fake depo build bcd 42 rifle that also had the Lza 1 mark on it as well. This particular rifle has signs that the barrel has been remembered to match the receiver but the rear sight has what I believe to be the original sn#1628 B the rifles sn is 6565 c, to note the other fake bcd was also in the c block. The bolt body and safety match the an ad don’t seem to be restated, the bolt shroud has no sn on it and is blank with factory finish. The stock “matches” but looks far to nice to be original, there are also stampings just forward of the magazine and above and below the recoil lug on the right side of the stock, outside of these there are no other markings where there might be on others like near the takedown disk. The barrel seems to have still have part of a makers code/lot code but I can not tell if there is more that was “unscrubbed” form the barrel. The front band is also “matching” but is stuck on by way of being peend in place at the top left and right of the band for some reason. There is also an interesting marking on the bottom of the cocking pice pictured as well. Any info on the markings would be nice. As for the rifle over all I find it interesting that’s there is another fake bcd Laz 1 depo build rifle in the c block and I feel that getting this info out to people looking for real Laz 1 or any other depo builds is important. I personally like the rifle, it looks like it will be a good shooter among my other rifles that I have and I will enjoy it to the fullest.
Any thoughts and comments are welcome as I want to see what you all think of these bcd fakes.