Miss it the first time? The deal of the CENTURY is back! Turd SS byf 43 6487


Junior Member
After a mere 4 months, our brave hero has discovered such a powerful artifact cannot be owned by one man for an extended period of time so it is back up for auction in a new auction house 2 hours away from the first.

To sweeten the deal he has graciously removed the presumably non-SS marked sight hood, sling, and cleaning rod to really emphasize how SS it is. Looks like the stock could possibly be swapped as well.

Sadly almost $500 already so we could see some fool pay over 1k this time.

(original auction from August https://hibid.com/lot/206856784/original-mauser-k98-8mm-rifle-w---ss-markings?ref=lot-list )
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Obviously you know nothing about the rarest SS marked rifles ever made. The 4th REICH SS marked rifles are so rare, that only one is thought to have survived the fall of Hitler's Germany. Ordered into production by Himmler, just hours before Hitler died by suicide in his Berlin bunker, these guns, rebuilt from salvaged rifles, discarded by battered troops retreating from the Allies, by NAZI elves, in the Alpine Redoubt, are the Crème de la crème of any serious collection.

How rare are they ????

It is like finding a 10 carat diamond in a dog turd in your back yard !!!!!!!
Oh, Ye Of Little Faith !!!!!

Why would any one doubt the obvious legitimacy of this rifle ????

It is the very apex of any collection.

The very Alpha and Omega of all rare and desirable pieces.

"Father Forgive Them, They Know Not What They Do " !!!!!!!
Our hero has earned himself a hot $50 profit (plus for whatever parts he stripped off) and the legendary rifle has a new owner who paid a very modest $910 this time! Will we see it back for auction in another few months? Will they be disappointed when they post it on a forum and it is revealed to be fake? Who knows!