Input/Opinions wanted


Well-known member
I'm looking for any input ya'll might have on this war horse. It's not mine but I am thinking about buying it.Screenshot_20241219-221434_DuckDuckGo.jpgScreenshot_20241219-221457_DuckDuckGo.jpgScreenshot_20241219-221544_DuckDuckGo.jpg


  • Screenshot_20241219-221534_DuckDuckGo.jpg
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Looks like one of the 98k rifles FN did for Israel. Chambered in 7.62x51 NATO and in decent shape. Has the desirable Israeli star on top of the receiver. Check the bore. Most are pretty close to mint but some can be worn out.
Thanks for responding. I've got a question in regarding the condition of the rifling. He did say that the bore is clean and 'nice & shiny'. All the metal which is visible looks to be in great shape. I appreciate the irony of a German designed rifle helped the Israeli's keep their country.

Given a good bore do you have a feel for what it is worth?
Thank you for that info. I'll get with the seller and find out. Your input may put that gun into the 'maybe' catagory. Especially his asking price
if you want a shooter, double check the recoil lug, this one looks like it has nuts on both sides, a bit unusual. a loose lug or lug nuts can be a sign of trouble w/the recoil lug & lug setback.
Hi, I'm pretty new when it comes to K98k's. Where should be looking to see the
if you want a shooter, double check the recoil lug, this one looks like it has nuts on both sides, a bit unusual. a loose lug or lug nuts can be a sign of trouble w/the recoil lug & lug setback.
Showing my ignorant regarding K98ks. Are talking about the fasteners located under the.front.of the reciever? If that's not it could you point out the pic(s) you're noticed this?

Thank you for your input
Fair amount for an Israeli would be 700 to 800 but they often go for much more than that. People see them as a desirable variant since you can get 308 ammo is a ton a different varieties here in the US vs 8mm Mauser. Also their bores tend to be very good. They make excellent shooters and are accurate. Mine is a SWP45 Czech produced one that still have a bunch of German marks on it. It's a close race between it and my Finn M39 as to which is the most accurate non scoped milsurp in my collection.
no worries, you don’t have to take it apart. in the link above, post #3 shows what it looks like from the outside, the head end recess will appear egg shaped, as in Herk’s photo
Thank you. I'm thinking it's sold as the owner hasn't responded to me. Asking price was/is (?) $1,000.
Your info would have had me buyIng it. Again love the input from all
Fair amount for an Israeli would be 700 to 800 but they often go for much more than that. People see them as a desirable variant since you can get 308 ammo is a ton a different varieties here in the US vs 8mm Mauser. Also their bores tend to be very good. They make excellent shooters and are accurate. Mine is a SWP45 Czech produced one that still have a bunch of German marks on it. It's a close race between it and my Finn M39 as to which is the most accurate non scoped milsurp in my collection.
If the outside was any indication of the bore - just wanted input before doing so. He is/was asking $1,000
Thanks to all the members who helped me on this one. Buying the gun - got price down a bit which was promptly eaten up by shipping, etc

I read in this forum someone buying a gun THEN asking for input. Learned from that to find the gun & have yall pick it apart. The extra time beats buying a messed up gun.
I’m glad that you researched before you bought the rifle. That’s why I really enjoy this forum. Te wealth of knowledge here is amazing and it seems to collect a more intellectual group of members. That is just my opinion not stating anything as a fact
Yes asking for advice before buying it the smart move to make to not get burned. If it sells before your questions or concerns are answered then oh well. There will be another that comes up. $1000 is a decent price for the rifle but I would've passed for that amount personally. Would be more fair in the $7-800 range. Seen some absolute mint unissued Israelis go for more than 1k but this certainly was not one of them. If it is still available from the seller at 1k and you really want it then go ahead and get it. They are only increasing in value every year. But if it's sold then take this opportunity to absorb the knowledge we have provided and move on to the next one. There WILL be a next one.
Fair amount for an Israeli would be 700 to 800 but they often go for much more than that. People see them as a desirable variant since you can get 308 ammo is a ton a different varieties here in the US vs 8mm Mauser. Also their bores tend to be very good. They make excellent shooters and are accurate. Mine is a SWP45 Czech produced one that still have a bunch of German marks on it. It's a close race between it and my Finn M39 as to which is the most accurate non scoped milsurp in my collection.
Not all of them have good bores. A bunch went to a S. American country (Colombia I think?) for a while before coming here, and a lot of those are really, really rough. Most are at least serviceable if you're not shooting for groups, but some are beyond even that low bar. I'd personally want to at least look down the bore of any Israeli I was looking to buy as a shooter to gauge the rough condition.
I learned early to take advantage of this wealth of knowledge BEFORE buying a month or so ago. I was balking at $1,000. Countered @ $800 & settled on $900. I would have passed it up without hesitating if any red flags were raised. Ya'll know your stuff
Not all of them have good bores. A bunch went to a S. American country (Colombia I think?) for a while before coming here, and a lot of those are really, really rough. Most are at least serviceable if you're not shooting for groups, but some are beyond even that low bar. I'd personally want to at least look down the bore of any Israeli I was looking to buy as a shooter to gauge the rough condition.
My new (to me) Mosin Nagant 91/30 arrived yesterday. It's a Finnish made rifle. Regarding the FN all the of the metal shown in the pics looked real good which I found encouraging. I would've slammed on the breaks if the rifling wasn't crisp. Glad I posted the pics here and asked for input. Doing otherwise just doesn't make sense.