Third Party Press

Trying to Find Early K98 Bayonet Chart

Hello, now I’m familiar with both vol. 1 and 2 books of the Karabiner 98k by Bruce but on page 843 in volume 2, there is an estimated production total chart for all the makers of the SG84/98 bayos from 1938-45. I don’t have Bruce’s early published book on the earlier k98 rifles. So I was wondering if any of you who have read the early book know if there is a chart like the one in volume 2? If so, id like to see a photo of the chart please. Because these bayonets were produced before 1938 as well. Such as the K and G date code examples.
I just checked Vol 1 and no bayonet manufacturer production chart was present. Perhaps either Andy B. or Slash might have something to offer...
There is no published chart for S84/98 production 1934 to 1937 that I am aware of. Nothing of this nature is included in the Steves/Karem Karabiner K98k series. Bruce's earlier book The S84/98 German Bayonet" Vol. 1 1908-1933 does not address this area either as it is off-topic. Several researchers who have contributed to Steves/Karem's work have compiled such information so perhaps something similar will be included in the Volume IV Addendum.
Ok, so what could I use to find the total production of early bayonets from 1934-37?

There is no accurate source for this information short of personal research and data collection. Original records from the producers are essentially nonexistent. Collecting serial number data for each maker during each year of production is about the only option and some researchers have spent decades working on just that although much of this work remains currently unpublished.
Andy used to post a chart when we had the BCN site. I still have the files but its 15+ years out of date. Would be nice to have updated chart if he were to offer it, maybe sticky here. Otherwise I can PM you the old info/estimates.
The table there is mine, should be normally not presented online as it was prepared for a book of Bruce K. and Mike S.,(in case of permission by authors of book) it was printed in vol.II, the estimate of 1934-37 is certainly tricky as there are gaps in reported items, same as many reported pieces were wrongly readed by collectors the letters of series, same as some producer continued from 1936 to 1937 directly wout start of new serial string.
I updated the file in 2024 and i could say the reported table in vol.II has only few errors in range of max 5-10% mainly caused by estimate to rougher numbers to next 10000 pcs even only 1000 was reported in the range.
The real range of production is now estimated in period 1934-45 to 14Million of bayonets S84/98. In this are not added Blanko, Behorden and Export bayonets.
The old tables that are provided to BCN in years of 2000-2010 are now obsolete und unaccurate.
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The image/file has been removed from the OP at the request of the compiler/owner.
If you guys want to repost that table we have no problem with that. Sorry by request will keep table off forum...
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