T-Gewehr Stories


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Good Morning All,

Took the T-Gewehr out to the range yesterday and had a roaring good time. It was not easy as I have a helluva cold right now and my head is still congested. Well, after the first shot, I now fully understand what "knock the snot out" truly means. It wasn't pretty and the range buddies are still laughing.

You got a T-Gewehr story?

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Well, after the first shot, I now fully understand what "knock the snot out" truly means. It wasn't pretty and the range buddies are still laughing.
.. so how many rounds did you fire? I assume your range buddies didn't get to fire a round since you mention they are still laughing :D
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Yesterday I shot 12 rounds with two buddies taking one shot each. Yes, they laughed while shooting their rounds.
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More Vit-D3 and K-2. We produce D3 naturally but that's because we're outside in the sun. Winter time we cover up with long sleeves and have less skin exposure, therefore produce less D3.

Queston, any snot on the stock? I wouldn't shoot a rifle covered w/snot.
What rounds were you shooting . Original cal.? I have a T Gewehr. Would like to shoot it. Any help. Banjomike
I shoot modified 50BMG cases with OEM specification bullets. I am also the guy who did the bolthead/extractor modification. Glad to help get you shooting. Randy
hmmm…ever looked into cast bullets for it? ive seen Banjomikes rifle its sweet! maybe some day ill go there, could probably neck size only and save a few bucks if you loaded cast. ive neck sized some odd case necks w pistol dies, then had a custom expander pilot made i use to open them up to whatever diameter i want.
Hmmm, you are the second person this week who said to look into cast lead bullets. I am assuming that they will have to be an alloy as opposed to the pure, soft lead bullets I use on my older BPCR. But I must say, my copper, bullets look pretty nice on top of that 50BMG case!

man thats cool ammo…

whats the diameter of the bullet?

id start with wheel weights which are a bit harder than pure lead and go from there, and if your happy with 1500 fps wheel weights would be fine.

what i dont know is what cast guys are using for powder in the 50bmg, and how close the case capacities are.
My bullets are made to OEM specifications (.525dia) less the steel AP core bringing in a bullet weight of 858gr. I use 190gr of H50BMG powder.

As I see this coming online for me, it will be an issue finding someone to make a mold to OEM specifications while also considering the lead-casting realities.

these folks might have something thatll work, or they can make a custom mold within some dimensional limits. i doubt you will get anything the same length or shape, but if you want to shoot a bit cheaper and much softer loads might be worth looking into. i shoot cast in all my collectible guns, minimal recoil, wear and tear. i have a buddy who has loaded quite a bit of 50bmg, ill ask if he has done any cast loading for it