WW1 butcher Navy . Looks to be a turd


Senior Member
Never saw this marking before on a ww1 butcher. Looks to be fake to me.


  • navy ww1 bayonet butcher.png
    navy ww1 bayonet butcher.png
    303.7 KB · Views: 109
Hard to believe its a KM marking, more real some fantasy? other marking there on spine?, there should be 1920 stamp on crosspiece as this is blued post 1920. Could be even a firm shortage not link with Reichswehr. More detailed photos of marking would be needed.
That is a sawback which is unreal using in Weimar period post 1920, so the blueing is not period, or was only made post 1945 for a collector, knot looks like from Staff green colored. There should be other markings like maker, proofs etc...
Andy here is the maker. No 1920 marking. This is a weird bayonet .


  • butcher navy ww1.png
    butcher navy ww1.png
    343.2 KB · Views: 30
WKC as normal WW1 production marked with crown /C. it was heavily sharpened and visible the blueing is not extra well done on blade, even visible on sharpening. Scabbard was well used and dont correspond with intact blue on pommel and handle. Blueing on crosspiece was done over scratches already in metall.
Andy, you're right about the bluing. It looks too thin, almost like a cold blue. It doesn't look very durable. Other than that, it's a nice sawback.
Sold For $1050.00 plus 22.5 % and taxes plus Shipping
So what do you think Andy ? Was it a real Navy ?
No way. Price is not a criterium, my coleague from here buyed a Elite Diamant 39,even matching but sharpened, reblued for 1000USD but it doesnt mean it was good deal. Real price would be 300/400 for sawbacked S98/05nA plus staff trodell with all the parts. the significance of marking on right ricasso remains unknown. But You could be lucky for good deal.
No way. Price is not a criterium, my coleague from here buyed a Elite Diamant 39,even matching but sharpened, reblued for 1000USD but it doesnt mean it was good deal. Real price would be 300/400 for sawbacked S98/05nA plus staff trodell with all the parts. the significance of marking on right ricasso remains unknown. But You could be lucky for good deal.
So Andy ,Your not sure if its real or fake ? I know I never seen that mark before. But that does not mean anything. It could be very rare or a made up piece. Who knows. What does anyone else think. ?
Real bayonet its, but this marking is not period by production, so question remains who added it , the using of sawbacked S98/05nA by post 1920 are unreal in Marine. The blueing is not period, that are real cuircumstances. Only explanation could be a distributor of items post army usage?
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Well someone paid at least $1400.00 with fees. So he got bent over on the item. Being marked wrong.
It seems nothing strange with similar prices as on Wehrmacht awards forum is a 44crs matching in g range sold for 1000USD.
It's unbelievable what people waste their money on!!! Especially with all the information that's available.