Real or fake cleaning rod?


Well-known member
Must admit my expertise is U.S. arms. While cleaning and oiling my k98, noticed the threaded area is bent or little off center. Made me wonder if it's a repro or original cleaning rod. No markings etc.

I am thinking the rod may be a post-WW2 replacement. Things to look for are a "gutter" between the end of the rod and where the screw threads stop. This was to allow any crud to find it's way there and be removed when the rod is taken out. Also, a bit more of a point is seen at the opposite end of the thread, which allows the rod to seat and thread into the steel boss within the stock more easily.
Thanks, what I was leaning to. Was in a spares bin. Was curious if real or not to see if worth hassle to sell.
I like it as a quality repro rod. I wonder if that is one of the ones Empire Arms had made for their RC K98ks back when they first came on the market?
