The law of series!
Proof of this was once again provided by this S/240 37 (F.Herder Asn), entered yesterday and 10 days after her sister.
This is also the same b-series, but the plum color of the blade is less pronounced.
A family photo was in order
A much-appreciated find from one of the most unusual manufacturers of S 84/98.
This is a CRS 41 S-block with its 5-digit number. The frog, in remarkable condition, is also dated 1941.
I like it..
Yes its a nice piece, is probably the highest reported S range, i had prior this one 12439 S, the LW frog is nice, question is that the complet was so from war, or changed in last 70 years? Possible the S block ended in 15000 range. Unfortunally there are no reported other pieces in that area.
My favorite is this one : it was given to me by a former French resistance fighter from the Ardennes des Manises maquis, in the early '80s.
At the time, I didn't even realize it had funny markings.
May you rest in peace, old timer...
I'd like to present a few items I've received recently. Chance has again spoiled me with, among them, a 1939 Durkopp for the KM and this no less superb Cvl 44 with riveted grip and a 1941 C.Riese rubberised frog.
Its number is close to a previous one...