Third Party Press

Gewehr 98 Noob Questions


Junior Member
Looking into this beautiful G98 but I have some questions. The barrel bands/barrel look like they have been refinished. Could be the lighting, or the start contrast of the "in the white" receiver/bolt. Can anyone confirm if it has been refinished?

It is all matching, and these are the only pictures I have. Are Waffenfabrik Mauser A-G Oberndorf Gewehr 98s desirable for someone such as myself who'd like to get a pre-war (hopefully) German issued rifle? I know next to nothing about markings and manufacturers, so I'd love if someone could link an online resource for me to reference.

Hard to tell with the bands based on the limited quality of photos, but It's not matching; the bolt has the wrong suffix and the patina isn't the same as the receiver. Someone just got lucky and found a bolt with the same digits.

There are scrubs/restamps that were done at depots that didn't remove the suffix, but this one does not appear to have been scrubbed at any point.

My 2¢ at least.
This sub forum has a great reference section in it. I use it constantly.

As far as the rifle goes, I definitely agree with Chris. I would not consider it a bad rifle for the right price, but if the seller is listing this at a premium all matching rifle price then you should pass.

Our imperial reference section:

The receiver was definitely cleaned, to an obnoxious and value diminishing degree, so touched up bands would not surprise me, though i also can not tell from the photos.

If the price were to reflect it being a cleaned up bolt mismatch, then it would be worth getting. 1905 is a harder year than 1906 for WMO, but WMO is probably the most common prewar maker, in competition with Spandau.
This sub forum has a great reference section in it. I use it constantly.

As far as the rifle goes, I definitely agree with Chris. I would not consider it a bad rifle for the right price, but if the seller is listing this at a premium all matching rifle price then you should pass.

Our imperial reference section:

Thank you so much! Now that you mention it, what would be a typical "premium all matching rifle price?"
Thank you so much! Now that you mention it, what would be a typical "premium all matching rifle price?"
That's not a question in going to answer because it depends on a lot of things and people are willing to pay different prices for things.

Military Rifle Journal