G98M: Imperial, Weimar, and Nazi marks + BS w/ 1920 Stamp


Well-known member
Saw this, and saw @Loewe comments on it, and the discussions about the BS stamp from years back. This one’s a bit different with a property mark too.

Figured you all would find what I found interesting. It’s a duffle cut G98M. Went through Imperial, Weimar, and I believe Nazi use (correct me if I’m wrong). Not matching, but the stock matches itself. Matching serials on the barrel, receiver and rear sight.

My 98m has a duffle cut as well. Didn’t think much of it. I believe these saw a decent amount of use pre-war with the Luftwaffe?

My 98m has a duffle cut as well. Didn’t think much of it. I believe these saw a decent amount of use pre-war with the Luftwaffe?

That’s neat. Always cool to see some interesting rifles like that. My main thing is it’s a BS with a 1920 property stamp, which is something I’ve never seen.

Plus, no idea what BS means really.
I like it!

Interesting the amount of danzig 1917s that ended up being kept and converted to 98m. Anyone else notice this? I own two 98ms that are danzig 1917 dated.
1920 = in government possession during the 1920 round up
BS probably relates to the railway security but there are different views on meaning - many relate this to Berlin-Spandau ordnance (HZa); it could be either, but I lean to the former views but mostly because the 98a being most suitable and the scrutiny Spandau underwent through the immediate aftermath of the war...
1920 = in government possession during the 1920 round up
BS probably relates to the railway security but there are different views on meaning - many relate this to Berlin-Spandau ordnance (HZa); it could be either, but I lean to the former views but mostly because the 98a being most suitable and the scrutiny Spandau underwent through the immediate aftermath of the war...
This was what I saw. Your post addressing the BS.

That’s mainly why I posted it. I’ve never seen a 1920 property stamped gun with a BS mark. So figured this would be interesting for people to see!
Never mind I am confusing posts, different rifles... beware of post midnight posts, by then I have downed 3-4 beers!