My bad… I forgot the buttstock pin also held the rear of the trigger group. My apologies for the miscommunication.
I am the "happy" owner of a BD44, purchased in 2010 from the Canadian importer.
The gun is a stunning reproduction of the original one, I have a dewat MP43 hanging on the wall and you cannot
tell the difference, I would be surprised if the clones were not stamped on the original molds from WWII.
The internals are a different story, everything broke or simply wore out, left the gun non functional, and sadly no help from our importers or SSD.
Thanks to the internet, Gunbroker and Ebay I managed to source all NOS parts from WWII out of several European countries, installed them and the gun runs flawless now.
Anyway, to make a long story short, the pins for the sear, hammer , trigger etc. are pushed in and peened, they came out with a bit of effort.
Putting them back in I did not peen them, just made sure the ends were clean and free of oil and put a drop of red locktite on them and tapped them into place.
Have put a lot of rounds through it and they are holding up well.
Should I ever want to take them out a bit of heat with a small butane torch will soften the locktite real fast.