K43 safety issue


Senior Member
Just picked up a k43 walther 45 c block and the safety switch won’t turn to safe. Any ideas on problem and fix? Can’t take it down to clean. Will return if can’t be fixed.
The safety system is very simple. You may have a broken plunger or if the safety lever was replaced, the grooves might be too ridged and not fitted properly to seat the plunger. Take few photos of your rig and maybe we can see what is going on.
There is a tab on it that should face downward and the open part where it compresses to install should be at the top
Mine is as you say, seems to be correct. It looks like the plunger is hitting the part it needs to be on top of to keep from moving while in safe mode. Basically the plunger is hitting instead of slipping past that part. Can that be adjusted?