..Until mid "c" block I know mostly Kriegsmarine rifles, from mid "c" block until late "d" block mostly Luftwaffe. In "e" block Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe, in "g" block mostly Kriegsmarine and around early "h" block start the Heer rifles.
I have a question, Were most of the ar41 rifles in D block Luft issued?
Sorry for the dumb question, but how do you tell that it is Luft marked ? Just trying to learn. Thanks.
I have a Luftwaffe marked ar41, also d block, all matching.
By any chance do your locking screws have inspection stamps? Not your capture screws but the locking ones holding them in?
Nope they don't (this particular example is residing in my safe now) and neither does his other example he posted in 2014.By any chance do your locking screws have inspection stamps? Not your capture screws but the locking ones holding them in?