Recent content by kentomon

  1. kentomon

    Opinions on this ZF41 Please

    Very nice set. Congratulations.
  2. kentomon

    Zf41 info

    I believe this is one of the French made kov scopes. They are often seen with the markings unfinished.
  3. kentomon

    ZF41 Study

    I think it is possible.
  4. kentomon

    ZF41 Study

    It is believed the late mounts, ones issued after the middle of 1944, are not numbered to the rifle serial#. One reason for this theory is that no mounts with 5-digit L-block are found, although several byf44 L-block K98k-Zf41 exist. I also have the rifle 63105 L in my possession, and I must...
  5. kentomon

    ZF41 Study

    Unlike the other German scopes (4-power or so), it is easy to take the scope and the mount of the ZF41 apart if you have an appropriate screwdriver. So, it is natural to think many were tempted to take them apart if one has any reason. I don’t think the Germans have made any damages to the screw...
  6. kentomon

    ZF41 Study

    The designation "ZF40" was originally intended to use with the next coming German self-loading rifles. This decision was made much earlier than when the G41 was officially introduced in Dec. 1942. When the G41 rifles were ready, some were ordered to equip mount rails, and cxn was ordered to...
  7. kentomon

    ZF41 Study

    Thank you for the photos. I will answer your questions one by one, if I can.
  8. kentomon

    ZF41 Study

    Thank you for the photos. I have seen another boxed dym some time ago. Its serial was 2142. I guess this is the way dym factory had sent their scopes out. I am thinking to add these data in my database. If there is any problem, please let me know.
  9. kentomon

    ZF41 Study

    The only way to verify the combination of the scope and the rifle is the rifle# marked on the side of the rear mount arm. And since it is said they have stopped numbering the mount from the late byf44s, I guess there is no way to tell if the scope is original to the late byf44 rifle or not. And...
  10. kentomon

    ZF41 Study

    Thanks for the photos! Just brilliant set!! Please let me add the data to my database. Is your rifle byf44? I see no rifle# on the mount.
  11. kentomon

    ZF41 Study

    So your scope is a ZF40-41/1? Would you show me the photos of the markings? And as for the tool, I guess the ones for type2 and type3 (ZF41/1) are in same size, and they are larger than the ones for type1.
  12. kentomon

    ZF41 Study

    Thank you for your kind words. My wish is to find out the fact and share it with the others. I have no intention of spreading “my own theory”. I am always ready to change my opinion when facing a new information, but I cannot stand an information from an unreliable source. When I have started...
  13. kentomon

    ZF41 Study

    Beautiful bmj! Thanks for sharing and happy new year to you!
  14. kentomon

    ZF41 Study

    Thank you for the information. I presume the early ZF40 scopes produced from 15.08.1942 were ZF40*s marked with "O". That is shown in my database.
  15. kentomon

    ZF41 Study

    Thank you val! Beautiful bmj!