Third Party Press

Jdt's latest activity

  • J
    Jdt replied to the thread 8mm Ammo.
    I imagine it would, it could vary from manufacturer too manufacturer tho. I've got some 1944 brass case ammo made by Aye that still has...
  • J
    Jdt reacted to jithaca's post in the thread 8mm Ammo with Like Like.
    Does the 8mm Kurz ammo have this problem
  • J
    Jdt reacted to Muncher 1953's post in the thread 8mm Ammo with Like Like.
    during ‘43 they changed the powder making process by eliminating a rinse step which left the powder acidic, leading to the rounds...
  • J
    Jdt replied to the thread My K98k Collection.
    Yes, the stock would be blank until it was fitted to a action and then stamped with that fitted action serial number. As for stocks...
  • J
    Jdt reacted to Mauser35's post in the thread My K98k Collection with Like Like.
    So would it be true to say the action sn would have been stamped into whichever type of stock the assembler reached for, laminate...
  • J
    Jdt replied to the thread 8mm Ammo.
    Yep you are correct, the Germans skipped a step in the acid treating process. I read somewhere that the Germans had plans for any of...
  • J
    Jdt reacted to heavy_mech's post in the thread 8mm Ammo with Like Like.
    Yeah WW2 German lacquered steel case. Probably related to what Peter wrote above, I'd heard some of the chemicals in the powder...
  • J
    Jdt reacted to Peter S's post in the thread 8mm Ammo with Like Like.
    German WW2 steel case ammo can be a crap shoot. From my experience, if the powder was made before 1943, you have a pretty good chance...
  • J
    Jdt replied to the thread My K98k Collection.
    Nope your rifle is in the "V" block as for stocks yes, it really depends on just what was next inline to be fitted. When your rifle was...
  • J
    Jdt reacted to Mauser35's post in the thread My K98k Collection with Like Like.
    So the 1937 S/42 sn 2962 I have would be the first block made that year? It’s a laminate stock. Would the “block” have different stock’s...
  • J
    Jdt reacted to Stan's post in the thread Vz98/22 with Like Like.
    CAI and Navy Arms did import a lot of rifles from Turkey in the 80's and 90's, and of course from other locations. It's possible the...
  • J
    Jdt replied to the thread My K98k Collection.
    Depending on (late war Gustloff is and exception with no letters) when and which factory made the rifle there are letters next to the...
  • J
    Jdt reacted to Mauser35's post in the thread My K98k Collection with Like Like.
    When you speak about the “ Block” , in reference to the serial #, what is that and where on the rifle would it be? I’m new to these things.
  • J
    Jdt reacted to Aaron's post in the thread 1937 S/42 98K Matching SN's with Like Like.
    No longer in my possession unfortunately, gave it to flynaked to use as donor material to restore other stocks.
  • J
    Jdt reacted to OnlyMil's post in the thread 1937 S/42 98K Matching SN's with Like Like.
    Awesome rifle. The beauty marks on the wood are incredibly minor. Glad no one thought to sand them out in the past! The stock acceptance...

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