Recent content by daltrey99

  1. daltrey99

    K43 extractor retainer screw/pin

    All of my usual places are sold out too. The after market ones needed to be fitted slightly too. They dont answer emails ofter but maybe Frontline Militaria can produce some new ones if asked.
  2. daltrey99

    K43 qve 45 receiver safe?

    Checking headspace and the locking mechanism is easy on these. I have built many of these with mismatched parts and new parts. All of them have proper headspacing and the locking lugs work flawlessly.
  3. daltrey99

    K43 qve 45 receiver safe?

    It can be bent back into place BUT it has to be done by someone who is knowledgeable in heat treating metal since you are going to need to maintain the proper hardening or you will have a fail point. With how most "gunsmiths" are mostly parts assemblers now. good luck finding someone that can...
  4. daltrey99

    Safe To Fire ????

    I had a barreled receiver that someone rebarreled to a .270WIn. I re-barreled it back to 7.92
  5. daltrey99

    Safe To Fire ????

    There were many of these rechambered to 30-06 many years ago. They shoot just fine. I bought one that I rebarreled back to the original 7.92
  6. daltrey99

    K43 gas block movement?

    I have had a few builds with this issue on the gas block and front sight. You have to find a slightly bigger pin and possibly slightly open the hole bigger on the block or front sight depending on the size of pin that you get. It MUST be tight and not move at all!!
  7. daltrey99

    K43 gas cylinder touches/ rubs on barrel

    Glad that you found the issue. Soon you will be throwing lead downrange with the old girl!
  8. daltrey99

    K43 gas cylinder touches/ rubs on barrel

    YES! If it rubs its too thick of material. Do you have an original to check the thickness with?
  9. daltrey99

    Sarco G43 stock quality

    I wouldnt even bother with any of those kind of stocks. For my rebuilds I drop them in a Murrays stock. He has always done well for me.
  10. daltrey99

    Info needed on the serviceability of Repro G43/K43 Mags

    I would keep them both as they are. Could be original paint. Some were painted, some were blued and some were phosphated.
  11. daltrey99

    Info needed on the serviceability of Repro G43/K43 Mags

    You will have to do A LOT of work to get the repros to feed right. The lips on the top are shaped different, you will have fit each one slightly to get them to even be able to clip in and the springs are too weak. I have a few of them but would rather spend the money on a real one even if beat...
  12. daltrey99

    G43 Bolt Carrier Restoration

    I think you are still OK with the hardening. I think you could use a small grinder and take small passes at it and eventually you can clean it up. When I say small passes, just enough to take off some metal but not enough to heat up the whole piece. A little patience and you will get it flush...
  13. daltrey99

    G43 Bolt Carrier Restoration

    It has potential. If you are good at welding you may be able to fill this holes in and not look too bad. It wouldn't be too difficult to drill and tap that bolt handle hole either. I think it is savable if you go slow on it and don't rush your work. As stated, you would need to heat treat it...
  14. daltrey99

    8x57 JRS vs 8mm Mauser

    JRS is rimmed. I am surprised that someone rechambered this to JRS. Is he for certain it really was???