Recent content by CHRYCO

  1. C

    Can i show a RAD dagger , need opinion before purchasing

    Hello. There is a dedicated area for German Militaria. Under FORUMS scroll past all the k98k forums, next will be related... and you will see WW2 German Militaria, endless info there. As for the RAD Hewer i would walk away. There appears to be ghosting around the letters, more so on the...
  2. C

    Hey from NC

    WELCOME; Looking forward to pictures and serial number. I am the proud custodian of a dou 43. Might be a close relative to your dou 43
  3. C

    A couple of recent pick ups, medic pouch & Daimon flashlight

    Great items. Especially the flashlight with the bulbs. Mine are missing but the battery is there.
  4. C

    Herman Goering Steyr Mannlicher

    Same Ludwig Schiwy that invented the Luger sear safety
  5. C

    SWP45 Rifle

    Hello all; Been a while.Check out the SWP45 on Gunpost ;
  6. C

    "Late war" Krieghoffs

    Hello; i would like to provide lots of pictures but i sold it long ago. curious only,Thank you.
  7. C

    "Late war" Krieghoffs

    Hello Absolut; very nice rig you have there. My Sn. is5453, mag NM. early K date.
  8. C

    "Late war" Krieghoffs

    Thank you for the details. I gather it is a good one then? IT is long gone. Always questioned the HALO around the HK logo. Never seen bevore. Books or otherwise. Sticking with the SIMSON. Jury out on HK. No Bbl. pics
  9. C

    1940 42 k98

    Very nice 1st. k98k. Though it may not be the only I got my 1st. a short time ago, but....
  10. C

    "Late war" Krieghoffs

    Good day; I was new and very unknowing at the time of owning this HK, Still scratching my head when i look at the pictures. I trust my Simson/Suhl more than the HK. I guess still unknowing on this one. lol
  11. C

    Well-traveled Erfurt Police Rework

    Check for a hole drilled under left grip panel near trigger. If there, it had a mag. safety and the slot in the side panel got nicely filled in and new grip plate added. Both of mine are filled in but one still has the original grip panel that was period mod. to fit over the mag. safety which...
  12. C

    "Late war" Krieghoffs

    Pictures of the HK 1943 that is long gone. Had walnut grip panels and blued Mauser mag N.M.
  13. C

    Police Reworked Luger Rig

    Grip strap marking is imperial army. Reserve Inf. Reg. 232. M.G. (machine gun company). No further numbers, so unknown which M.G. company
  14. C

    "Late war" Krieghoffs

    This is very interesting. I do have Mr. Gibson's book and more, but the discussion's here are a great learning experience. I at one time owned a 1943 HK that had a lower serial # (113xx)than the posted 1942 HK. I must find the pictures and post them