Recent content by CAG

  1. C

    Mystery "Sniper" K98

    I'm inclined to do this. Technically though the stock seems to have been cut for the LSR - would it be possible to fit an LSR instead? I think not, given that I don't have a thick receiver, but someone seems to have made it work once upon a time! You're right - I relooked at the pictures and it...
  2. C

    Mystery "Sniper" K98

    I meant from the standpoint of the mounting screws, primarily. I was aware of the surface area change and the thickened receiver wall, I was just wondering about the screw spacing.
  3. C

    Mystery "Sniper" K98

    What's the difference between the SSR and LSR bases? The screw and pin patterns visually appear to be the same, which is why I ask.
  4. C

    Mystery "Sniper" K98

    Hi - first post here. I actually joined yesterday just to be able to download some pictures of K98k shipping crates, but come to you all today with a bit of a tangential mystery. I had been considering building a custom "shipping"/display crate for my two Mausers, based loosely on known...