Recent content by BNZ44

  1. B

    Norwegian reissue

    Are Norwegian re-issues in 30/06 have any collector value or are they just shooters?
  2. B

    1938 s243 k98

    Just picked up this s/243 k98 is it true it’s a rare code it won’t allow me to upload anymore pictures
  3. B

    Possible k43 acquisition

    I’m going to see the rifle today and will post pictures
  4. B

    Possible k43 acquisition

    9000 serial number I don’t know what block I have not seen the rifle yet
  5. B

    Possible k43 acquisition

    I have a chance to get a AC45 k43 in the 9k serial range only thing is it is mismatched bolt doesn’t match but it matches itself he wants to trade for my Ithaca 1911 is this a good trade deal?
  6. B

    Ar 42

    I have a chance to buy a ar42 everything is stamped with the serial number except barrel bands should they have the serial number too Regards Matt
  7. B

    BNZ 44 questions

    It’s under $1k and that is the original stock the numbers are stamped on the inside Matt
  8. B

    BNZ 44 questions

    It has avk AZ on the barrel Regards Matt
  9. B

    BNZ 44 questions

    I have a chance to a BNZ 44 98k I was told it was a SS contract there are no SS runes everything that I can see is matching the bolt shroud, barrel band and sling loop do not have the serial numbers on them. The receiver doesn’t have a serial number. any help I would appreciate if you need any...