AndyB's latest activity

  • AndyB
    AndyB replied to the thread dot 42 G.33/40 Pics.
    To the presented table: "Werk I Brünn got G.33/40 parts from Werk II Povazska Bystrica in 1941, order number 211-21.025. The amount in...
  • AndyB
    AndyB replied to the thread dot 42 G.33/40 Pics.
    Circle Z on bolt handle is from Brno not from PB, as mentioned PB didnt made any G33/40 bolts, only correct parts from PB and proofed...
  • AndyB
    AndyB replied to the thread dot 42 G.33/40 Pics.
    Nice report but unfortunally from my information the bolts for G33/40 were not made in Povazska Bystrica so the WaA607 bolt could be...
  • AndyB
    AndyB replied to the thread bayonet abbreviations.
    The walking out would be probably better designation or out of service bayonets, in some cases even Extra KS98 were used with normal and...
  • AndyB
    The bolt was not blued. Vz24 is with straight handle. Romanian Vz24 had no cutout as the handle of bolt was straight...
  • AndyB
    Yes the rifles were delivered in normal VZ24 configuration, there is no report that ZB sent any sniper rifles, so when the bolt is...
  • AndyB
    Rifle was made as plain Vz24 in november or december 1941 in slovakian plant Povazska Bystrica. Possible they bent the bolt down in...
  • AndyB
    AndyB replied to the thread 44fnj bayonet painted scabbard.
    Same opinion as above there is light rust over origin thin blue as is typical for latewar. Someone proofed the turn screw in grips...
  • AndyB
    AndyB reacted to grimlin13's post in the thread 44fnj bayonet painted scabbard with Like Like.
    All I see is corrosion, patina and what`s left of the blue. Put some oil on that scabbard (actually all of the metal). Use a soft...
  • AndyB
    AndyB replied to the thread Double dated ASW.
    Should be compared with other early 43asw pieces but from a doubble date point i see not any problems, by large producers is typical the...
  • AndyB
    AndyB replied to the thread bayonet abbreviations.
    G98/05 and K98/05 nomenclature is unreal, as dont exist Gewehr 98/05 or Carbine .
  • AndyB
    AndyB replied to the thread Help identifying bayon.
    US M1905 bayonet? but wout any marking it could be already a new reproduction?
  • AndyB
    AndyB replied to the thread Looking for bayonet.
    There are some Horster export pieces marked with serials of Standard rifles as possibility.
  • AndyB
    AndyB replied to the thread Cutlass screw.
    Same period should be same screws as by S98/05 also 9mm diameter of head and M4 metric .
  • AndyB
    AndyB replied to the thread Police Butcher bayonet for review.
    I assume the V notch is in reality here only for presentation but i assume the lock lug is still fully functional, and the piece is...