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    • G
      Gringo reacted to pwcosol's post in the thread Vis with Like Like.
      This pistol may have been one I acquired in 1975/76. (the ser# 0231 kind of rings a bell). There was a advert in Shotgun News from a...
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      Gringo reacted to bigwagon's post in the thread Vis Radom question with Like Like.
      No. Plenty of originals have no proofs, and there was a different one on very late mags produced at Steyr.
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      Gringo reacted to pwcosol's post in the thread Vis Radom question with Like Like.
      Polish pre-WW2 mags are highly sought after. They typically have a oval G2 or D2 on forward, underside of the floorplate. In addition...
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      Gringo reacted to bmwr12's post in the thread Vis Radom question with Like Like.
      The unmarked are the most common. The next most common is the eagle 189 base. The least common are the phosphate 623 marked body. I have...
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      Gringo reacted to bolas's post in the thread Radom VIS K-block/1945 with Like Like.
      Sure thing! Sorry for the slight delay—I had a busy week! 😃 I still haven't had enough time to decide what to do about the...
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      Gringo reacted to bmwr12's post in the thread Radom VIS K-block/1945 with Like Like.
      I don’t think there is much you can do to make it be better unfortunately, I would oil it up and keep it out of the holster. I feel the...
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      Gringo replied to the thread Radom VIS K-block/1945.
      I'm not sure there's a lot you can do to 'treat' phosphate. I've owned several phosphate rifles and pistols over the last 30 years, and...
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    • G
      Gringo reacted to Northyuma's post in the thread Vis with Like Like.
      This is the lowest one known. The other are a couple thousand higher. As the story goes… This particular shipment of Vis pistols, the...
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      Gringo reacted to krukster86's post in the thread Type I “Pre-Alpha” VIS35 with Like Like.
      I had an opportunity to grab a desirable "Pre-Alpha" Type I early German Occupation production VIS35 at a very attractive price. These...
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      Gringo reacted to Didim's post in the thread WALTHER PPK PL NAZI with Like Like.
      Приветствую всех участников форума. Представляю на обозрение WALTHER PPK PL NAZI, выпуска 1938 года.
    • G
      In as well.
    • G
      Gringo reacted to bolas's post in the thread Radom VIS K-block/1945 with Like Like.
      The condition in the picture is the state after purchase. The pistol is very dried out, it probably sat somewhere for many years before...
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      Gringo replied to the thread Radom VIS K-block/1945.
      Some additional photos from the Legacy ad. Interesing casting flaw on the front grip strap. @bolas can you post up some more pictures...
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    • G
      Gringo replied to the thread Radom VIS K-block/1945.
      This just sold recently on Legacy. Interesting that some A/B block pistols were assembled from parts in 1945 after the move to Steyr...
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    • G
      Definitely served with the Navy at some point. I believe that the grip strap markings are more consistent with Weimar or even NS era...
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