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    • bolas
      bolas reacted to Jakeman664's post in the thread Radom VIS K-block/1945 with Like Like.
      My friend has a K block about 1000 earlier than yours his grandfather brought back. Amazing how crude they were. Need to get one of...
    • bolas
      bolas reacted to Gringo's post in the thread Radom VIS K-block/1945 with Like Like.
      I'm not sure there's a lot you can do to 'treat' phosphate. I've owned several phosphate rifles and pistols over the last 30 years, and...
    • bolas
      I have been holding out for a late war phosphate Radom for my collection, but when this one presented itself I had to add it. It’s a 2...
    • bolas
      bolas replied to the thread Radom VIS K-block/1945.
      I really like the worn-out look a lot. I was just thinking of removing a bit of rust and oiling it up—wasn't really planning on doing...
    • bolas
      bolas reacted to ugafx4's post in the thread Radom VIS K-block/1945 with Like Like.
      Phosphate finish kind of is what it is unfortunately. Maybe a Kroil soaking but that tends to darken the phosphate. I’m not certain you...
    • bolas
      bolas reacted to bmwr12's post in the thread Radom VIS K-block/1945 with Like Like.
      I don’t think there is much you can do to make it be better unfortunately, I would oil it up and keep it out of the holster. I feel the...
    • bolas
      bolas replied to the thread Radom VIS K-block/1945.
      Sure thing! Sorry for the slight delay—I had a busy week! 😃 I still haven't had enough time to decide what to do about the...
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    • bolas
      bolas reacted to ugafx4's post in the thread Radom VIS K-block/1945 with Like Like.
      Cool K block, I looked a long time for one, they are very interesting pistols. I saw that second B phosphate on legacy, whoever bought...
    • bolas
      bolas reacted to bmwr12's post in the thread Radom VIS K-block/1945 with Like Like.
      The magazines are probably worth $500 each so the person got a good deal. I can’t believe they had it priced that low considering what...
    • bolas
      bolas reacted to Northyuma's post in the thread Radom VIS K-block/1945 with Like Like.
      That mag is worth $450!
    • bolas
      bolas reacted to Gringo's post in the thread Radom VIS K-block/1945 with Like Like.
      Some additional photos from the Legacy ad. Interesing casting flaw on the front grip strap. @bolas can you post up some more pictures...
    • bolas
      bolas reacted to banjomike's post in the thread Radom VIS K-block/1945 with Like Like.
      I had to look again at my late Radom #K8830. Almost the end. Banjomike
    • bolas
      bolas replied to the thread Radom VIS K-block/1945.
      The condition in the picture is the state after purchase. The pistol is very dried out, it probably sat somewhere for many years before...
      • Screenshot-2025-02-27-at-12.43.07.jpg
    • bolas
      bolas replied to the thread Radom VIS K-block/1945.
      Yup ;) When it comes to the books, there is a couple: VIS Radom - A Study and Photographic Album of Poland's Finest Pistol - Revised...
    • bolas
      bolas reacted to Jdt's post in the thread Radom VIS K-block/1945 with Like Like.
      Nice! It's so worn and ugly it's beautiful 🤣👏👍 nice grab. Imma eventually get one of these. Got any good reference books to recommend?
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