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    • AndyB
      AndyB replied to the thread New Bayo - 44pyy.
      Yes the countersunk were done, dissasembled, the scabbard is a missmatch. Blade was cleaned from rust probably by heavy tool, by this...
    • AndyB
      AndyB replied to the thread Chinese Mauser?.
      Possible as the germans didnt have used similar rotation of swastika, and not stamped wout the eagle as fireproof, the buttstock could...
    • AndyB
      AndyB replied to the thread WMO 71-84.
      No damage visible which would be presented by heavy training by unit, this was a depot piece as Ersatz Batallion and 2.Company, after...
    • AndyB
      AndyB replied to the thread S84/98 information needed.
      Nothing strange here, is blank deliverer by the Boentgen and Sabin, Solingen, finisher was some unknown maker in area of Berlin as G...
    • AndyB
      AndyB replied to the thread interesting German modified Vz24.
      bolt was here blued, otherway the configuration of sling remained as it was by CS Vz.24. Bolt was mixed probably in german unit.
    • AndyB
      AndyB replied to the thread Latest adoption.
      That was the serialing by Ferlach, is possible each of 200pcs could be tracked to the supervisor in fabric to sample. This piece was...
    • AndyB
      AndyB replied to the thread Latest adoption.
      The upper row is real number of bayonet from start of production.
    • AndyB
      AndyB replied to the thread S84/98 SGX44 0696 hh block.
      Other BCN member piece, which was reported in 2002. There is a missmatched 0697 hh reported.
    • AndyB
      Not extra large bunch of pieces are reported but majority of them matching, which i believe it was stored somewhere and then found by US...
    • AndyB
      This bayonet was a property of old BCN member as reported already in 200x. Jim X. owned it. The unit was stamped over cleaned surface...
    • AndyB
      AndyB replied to the thread Luft s84/98.
      I personally would be not 100% on Gie,(Giessen) could be Gle (Gleiwitz) or Fle which could be Flensburg.
    • AndyB
      No problem leave as is, i personally dont need the confirmation and the screws and countersunk are all S proofed so correct for this...
    • AndyB
      Personally i believe the crown S could be too on pommel but is now invisible?, the crown K is there twice, the scabbard is crown/H proofed.
    • AndyB
      I would say its a II.Ersatz Batallion Reserve stamp, the letter could be crown K as this was confirmed on Amberg S98/05 dated 1914/15.
    • AndyB
      AndyB replied to the thread First S84/98 Bayonet Questions.
      Yes its a yugo M48 frog.
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