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    • paraFAL
      paraFAL replied to the thread Bcd 4 long side rail.
      Nice we have the same gun! yours is a little cleaner then mine I think mine sat in Iowa for 70 years without being oiled or touched so...
    • paraFAL
      paraFAL reacted to Firebug90's post in the thread Bcd 4 long side rail with Like Like.
      I usually open them in MS Paint and resize to 35-50%. Cameras these days produce a 2-5ft poster size image when not compressed.
    • paraFAL
      paraFAL replied to the thread Bcd 4 long side rail.
      Also barrel code is "AVK CE "I took high quality pics but the forum won't let me upload them because the files are to large
    • paraFAL
      paraFAL reacted to yellowkid's post in the thread Bcd 4 long side rail with Like Like.
      15k for one still with issues? What kind of issues would be acceptable at that price? I’m asking honestly as I’m not a sniper collector...
    • paraFAL
      paraFAL replied to the thread Bcd 4 long side rail.
      Can we some pics of yours please? I have been researching the value of my rifle from what I have gathered I think 5-6k would be fare...
    • paraFAL
      paraFAL replied to the thread Bcd 4 long side rail.
      Fyi I read the forum all the time I just have not interacted with people yet on here. I didn't make a account for free information...
    • paraFAL
      paraFAL reacted to THunter's post in the thread Bcd 4 long side rail with Like Like.
      Thats an incredible rifle and find! Where and how did you acquire it?
    • paraFAL
      paraFAL reacted to Hercules's post in the thread Bcd 4 long side rail with Like Like.
      Don't let someone talk you into drilling it for pins and a LSR base to make a sniper, because if you do then it's worth the sum of its...
    • paraFAL
      paraFAL reacted to Mauserguy85's post in the thread Bcd 4 long side rail with Like Like.
      Well, let’s be honest here. Why is it so hard to give an honest auction setting appraisal on this particular rifle in today’s k98k...
    • paraFAL
      paraFAL reacted to Aaron's post in the thread Bcd 4 long side rail with Like Like.
      The floorplate should be an easy replacement as you can just get an unmarked or subcontracted milled or subcontracted stamped one to...
    • paraFAL
      paraFAL reacted to Firebug90's post in the thread Bcd 4 long side rail with Like Like.
      Is there a consensus on how many of these are out there in the world? What is an appropriate price range?
    • paraFAL
      paraFAL replied to the thread Bcd 4 long side rail.
      Grandpa died he served in Europe his grandson was a friend of a friend he heard I collected old guns. Let's just say it was cheep.
    • paraFAL
      paraFAL replied to the thread Bcd 4 long side rail.
      I took it apart I'm glad I didn't (I have a small penis) it up lol
    • paraFAL
      paraFAL reacted to AN-94's post in the thread Bcd 4 long side rail with Like Like.
      I can see the E/13 of the barrel code in your last picture. You would have to pull the action out of the stock to view it fully (I...
    • paraFAL
      paraFAL replied to the thread Bcd 4 long side rail.
      This thing is probably going on gun broker if we are talking that much money. I will take stock off and get barrel code photos...
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