Possible fake SS?


I'm looking at purchasing this rifle but all my reading is pointing towards too many inconsistencies to make this be an authentic SS rifle. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.


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Saw that original auction. You are correct, it’s a fake. Looks to me someone took a matching bolt and trigger guard and numbered the receiver to match that number. It’s was a very common tactic of the Roever (spelling?) brothers in Florida who built a lot of fakes with this method. Receiver may or may not be a legit double claw but it’s impossible to be sure with the other fakery. They’ve were also known to use heavily sporterized receivers as a starting point.

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I'm looking at purchasing this rifle but all my reading is pointing towards too many inconsistencies to make this be an authentic SS rifle. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.

Yes, Rifle is a fake. Not an original SS double Claw.

Edit: Pictures added so we can add this to the pic sticky turd alert thread.

Not a sniper connoisseur, but that dovetail degree strikes me as being incorrect.

Clay, you don't have to even look that far. The has a letter block. Double Claws were built on SSZZA4, and contract guns, all of which never have letter blocks. There were some built on bcd 43 and byf 43 rifles and they have letter blocks but this rifle is clearly marked bnz so that doesn't matter.
Matt, with sszza4 converting byf/bcd rifles could it be possible that a Heer bnz rifle could wind up being converted too and not simply ss contracts? Just curious for future reference and learning and not referring to this obvious fake.
Matt, with sszza4 converting byf/bcd rifles could it be possible that a Heer bnz rifle could wind up being converted too and not simply ss contracts? Just curious for future reference and learning and not referring to this obvious fake.

In theory lots of things are possible. To date we have only seen double claws assembled from SSZZA4, Contract, BCD43 and byf43 rifles. There might have been another rifle type used but the vast majority will be one of these. I would look at anything else very carefully.
I’ve seen one dou43 as well that looked legit. I would say in theory it’s possible you could find an Army built bnz43 used, but this rifle has a Gusen made receiver and they were not used in army production. That and the terribly faked serial number.

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