aka 8x57IS
Adjust the reticle of the K98k – Zf. 41 & Armorer tools
Here is the manual to adjust the reticle of the K98k – Zf. 41 and the introduction of the required armorer tools. Keep in mind, the Waffenmeister had to adjust the scope and not the individual soldier.
General Army Communications published by the Army High Command - Berlin, September 8, 1941

Here is the manual to adjust the reticle of the K98k – Zf. 41 and the introduction of the required armorer tools. Keep in mind, the Waffenmeister had to adjust the scope and not the individual soldier.
General Army Communications published by the Army High Command - Berlin, September 8, 1941
869. Adjust the reticle of the Karabiner 98 k – Zf. 41 (Scoped Rifle).
The adjust of the reticle of the Karabiner 98k – Zf.41 (Scoped Rifle) has to happen as follows:
After 5 shots at 100 m distance, the middle point of impact must be marked. The weapon is fixed with the fixing-frame according to H. Dv 477 I Fig. 8 or makeshift with the help of a vise and aligned so that the reticle touches the aiming point.
In order to allow a precise adjustment, it is advisable to reduce the distance to 50 m. It should be noted that the distance - aiming point – point of impact may only be corrected by 50%.
Remove front and rear rain cover.
Loosen the retaining screw for the cover tube of the lens.
Threaded ring - with cross-cut and right-hand thread - release until it stops.
Screw in the retaining screw until the cover tube of the lens turns over the screw head. Turn the cover tube of the lens until the adjustment slots in the lens main tube are exposed.
Attach the magnifying-lens-attachment, loosen the clamping screw, move the view until the target picture appears sharp. Tighten the clamping screw.
Insert the adjustment-mandrels into the holes that have become free and rotate the eccentrics of the objective lens so that the reticle touch the marked middle point of impact. By this correction, the reticle has been adjusted by as much as
is necessary to get a center hold point of impact.
Remove the adjustment-mandrels, turn back the cover tube of the lens until the retaining screw in the hole becomes visible.
Unscrew the retaining screw until the surface of the screw head is above the cover tube of the lens. Tighten the tightening ring, then tighten the retaining screw. Remove magnifying-lens-attachment. Install front and rear rain cover.
Check accuracy with some shots.
The set armorer tools for Karabiner 98k – Zf.41 (Scoped Rifle), consisting of
1 Magnifying-lens-attachment,
1 Adjustment wrench,
2 Adjustment-mandrels,
is carried in the “Großer Waffenmeisterwerkzeugkasten für Maschinengewehre und Handwaffen” (Large armorer tool kit for machine guns and hand weapons).
The annex J 3401 to the annex-volume get added.
O.K.H. (Ch H Rüst u. BdE), August 15, 1941
---- 7433/41 ---- AHA/In 2 (VII).